

 楼主| 发表于 2021-2-16 13:07 | 显示全部楼层 来自 广东
They really are a good Gear.
Imaging, detail retrieval, the overall clarity...
Reader, If you hated the Clear's edginess, but were looking for that type of clarity., then the GL2000s might hit the sweet spot.
The open pads give mine a touch more punch and slightly more bottom end and widen the SS.
enjoy your new gear



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 楼主| 发表于 2021-2-16 13:08 | 显示全部楼层 来自 广东
Got these today. I'm loving them.
The hype is real. The most immediate things I can notice are the incredible separation, clarity, and ability to handle increased bass levels.



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 楼主| 发表于 2021-2-16 13:12 | 显示全部楼层 来自 广东
Ok I couldn't wait. After about an hour and a half of listening, my initial impressions are very positive. The Kann Alpha is perfectly capable of driving these. I switched to high gain and anywhere from 60-80 is comfortably loud depending on the track, with 80-90 standing next to speaker loud if you want to crank things up to 11. These headphones have amazing clarity, even pushed really loud from the Kann Alpha there is zero distortion or loss in quality - should be really fun to experiment with some real head-bangers and get that clarity at high volume.
The only other initial reaction I have is that these are heavy. They're very well built and right from the unboxing everything feels high quality and well put together. They're very comfortable once you get the headband adjusted to the right fit, but you are aware of them.
Anyway, need to get back to work. Will listen more over the weekend and give a more detailed review.

好吧,我等不及了。听了大约一个半小时后,我的初步印象非常积极。 Kann Alpha 完全有能力推动它。我切换到高增益,从60-80的任何地方都是舒适的大声取决于轨道,与80-90站在扬声器旁边大声,如果你调节到高达11。这些耳机有惊人的清晰度,甚至推动真的从 Kann Alpha大声有零失真或质量损失-应该是真正有趣的实验与一些真正的头部刘海,并获得高音量的清晰度。


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 楼主| 发表于 2021-2-17 11:13 | 显示全部楼层 来自 广东
received my 4.4mm to 2.5mm converter yesterday and just tested the GL2000 with the BTR 5 as well, and can confirm
that it is indeed capable of driving the headphones. Best I've ever heard AAC streaming from my iphone to be honest
昨天收到我的4.4毫米到2.5毫米插头转换器,刚刚测试了GL2000和BTR 5,可以确认它确实能够驱动耳机。老实说,我从iphone上听到过最好的AAC流媒体


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 楼主| 发表于 2021-2-17 11:17 | 显示全部楼层 来自 广东
Got my GL2000! 6 days after I ordered it from China. So far i'm really liking it. It sounds so good. Surprised about the perforated cloth pads. It has a D shape to the inside. I guess to help the Bass out. Other people said they didn't get this with their GL2000. Detail on this is awesome! Very detail forward. its a different headphone to the Arya. dont know why people are comparing them. The Arya is more a neutral headphone. This is more an exciting balanced headphone. But i can tell you this much, I haven't heard my music sound this good in any other headphone. and that includes the Arya. I'm not saying it's a better headphone. maybe it just meets my tastes better. its making me say "Wow" a lot. and i don't do that often with headphones. It sounds fantastic!



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 楼主| 发表于 2021-2-17 11:19 | 显示全部楼层 来自 广东
Bongo Fury
I have owned them for 24hrs. They are truly superb. I prefer them to my 6XX, Quad Era1, SRH1540, SRH1840 and even my Ether CX. They have so much space and depth. It sounds like wearing 3 pairs of headphones at once. I keep having to take them off to see if something is happening behind me ! 40 years of headphone research/buying/swapping and these are the best headphones I have heard or owned. I would recommend these over anything below £1000. I listen to a lot of percussion, reggae, acoustic jazz, classic rock, house and they work with everything. I have tried them on Topping A90, XDuoo TA20, Chord Mojo, Tor Roger and Audiolab PDac and they all work brilliantly. I think Zeos actually undersold these...
我已经拥有GL2000有24小时了。它们真的很棒。比起我的6XX、Quad Era1、SRH1540、SRH1840甚至我的Ether CX,我更喜欢它们。他们有那么多的空间和深度。听起来像是同时戴了3副耳机。我一直得把它们脱下来看看我身后有没有什么事!40年的耳机研究/购买/交换,这些是我听到或拥有的最好的耳机。如果低于1000英镑,我会推荐这些。我听很多打击乐、雷鬼音乐、原声爵士乐、经典摇滚乐、豪斯音乐,GL2000什么都能适合。我在A90、XDUOOTA20、和Chord Mojo、Tor Roger和Audiolab PDac上试过,它们都很出色。我认为Zeos实际上低估了这些。。。


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 楼主| 发表于 2021-2-17 11:26 | 显示全部楼层 来自 广东
Got my GL2000 (double magnet) yesterday:
- Lovely build quality, stock cable is ok but not ideal if your amp doesn't have 4.4.
- Prefer the pleather pads instead of the hybrid pads, that D shape on the hybrids is a bit weird.
- Tuning is ideal for me, a touch warmer than neutral, still engaging but not sibilant or over-analytical.
- Bass is ok, no massive sub bass kick but bass is present, lacks texture and width though.
- Mids are fine, ever so slightly v shaped tuning favours my preference.
- Treble is very good, smooth and non-fatiguing, but not as extended as way hoping for but enjoyable (basically Shuoer Tape's ruined me and nothing sounds as extended as the treble on those)
- Soundstage somewhat underwhelming so far, and in terms of imaging vocals are struggling to break out from the centre compared to my IEMs, but likely my DAC lacking soundstage/width.
Very nice headphone though, definitely a keeper and looking forward to any further benefit from more usage/burn-in.  It's highlighted how much I needed a DAC upgrade though, so I've ordered a Topping D90 to try extract some more detail.

-高音是非常好的,柔顺和不疲劳,但不是延长的方式希望,听着是令人愉快的(基本上 Shuoer Tape毁了我,没有什么声音延长的高音在那些)
非常好的耳机,肯定是一款值得拥用的,并期待着任何进一步的好处,从更多的使用/煲音。它突出了我有多么需要一个DAC升级,虽然,所以我已经定了一个拓品 D90试图提取更多的细节。


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 楼主| 发表于 2021-2-17 11:30 | 显示全部楼层 来自 广东
dominic green
I am so impressed with my GL2000, the cord is a mess, the plastic strands in the cord squeak when you tilt your head, ordered a heart audio cable to replace, music is wide, beautifully detailed and imaging is insane. I used them last night to watch a movie and they are just amazing. I would recommend these for the price all day.
我对我的GL2000印象深刻,耳机线有点糟糕,耳机线上的塑料股吱吱作响当你倾斜你的头,定了一根heart audio 耳机线赖更换,音乐是广泛的,美丽的细节和成像是疯狂的。我昨晚用它们看了一部电影,它们真是太棒了。在这个价位我会全天推荐这些。


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 楼主| 发表于 2021-2-17 11:31 | 显示全部楼层 来自 广东
gl2000 two days at home, they are really great, i bought per bggar rec. (thank god i did not saw the headphoneshow review at that time), im not very experienced, but for my music (metal, rock, edm, hiphop) i believe, there is not something much better for me... 👍👍BGGAR is by far the BEST for iem and hp reviews on youtube 👍👍  only 1 thing, maby the clamping force could be little higher (i have smaller head)
gl2000在家听了有两天,他们真的很棒,我买了每bggar rec。(谢天谢地,我当时没有看到耳机秀评论),我不是很有经验,但我的音乐(金属,摇滚,edm,嘻哈)我相信,没有什么东西比我更好。。。👍👍BGGAR是迄今为止youtube上iem和hp评论的最佳选择👍👍 只有一件事,可能夹紧力会更高一点(我有更小的头)

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 楼主| 发表于 2021-2-17 11:36 | 显示全部楼层 来自 广东
Dixie Flatline
Had my GL2000 for about a 3 days. Good comfort and excels in bass, top end and instrument separation. Coming from Hd800s it’s nowhere near as wide, but that’s a tough comparison. I find they get slightly muddy in the upper mids and on female vocals there is some sibilance, but they capture the vocal mix well - so it will depend on how the track is mixed and mastered. As my 1st planar I’m not sure if there is a break in period, but i will report back if things change once i hit 100hr’s. Overall i would recommend these as good value - but they are not giant killers i.e. will not really compete with top end Focals or Sen’s, but they are a nice alternative set of headphones for bass / synth focused music.


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 楼主| 发表于 2021-2-17 11:38 | 显示全部楼层 来自 广东
GL2000's on an ifi idsd signature with xbass flipped on = eargasm👂💦

GL2000在ifi idsd推东西啊,xbass打开,=耳朵怀孕啦👂💦

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 楼主| 发表于 2021-2-17 11:46 | 显示全部楼层 来自 广东
Jeffrey Allison
I revived my 2000’s a few days ago I’ve mainly used them streaming Tidal masters, connected to a Topping 50S stack, and a Dethonray Honey H1.  If anything you undersold the the GL2000. Full spectrum they are just pure enjoyment to listen to music. They worked well across genre depending on the recording you can experience an intimate jazz club or rock concert. The expanse of a sound track or the amazing mids of strings or the voice of a singer. This is an amazing headphone at this price.
Tidal masters,连接到一个拓品 50S,和Dethonray Honey H1如果有的话,您对GL2000的评价不高。全谱他们只是听音乐的纯粹享受。您可以体验到亲密的爵士俱乐部或摇滚音乐会的录音,它们在各种流派上都表现出色。音轨的宽广或弦乐的惊人中音或歌手的声音。以这个价格,这是一个了不起的耳机。


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 楼主| 发表于 2021-2-17 12:00 | 显示全部楼层 来自 广东
I didn't tried D-shaped pads yet, I for last 10 hours iv been trying to setup my smsl m500 with foobar and musicbee, I have end up the DAC  to version 1.5. After the fact I have found out that revision 1 of this DAC can handle only one Firmware upgrade, thats the reason **ers took out  second Firmware update from their  website. After the fact I got pissed off and started to mess around with Parametric EQ on my HIBI R5 trough USB audio player  app. The final results are jaw dropping , Ill never thought that Ill be able to hear so clearly kick base, and base guitar at the same time in all of the tracks ( I am listening pretty technical metal music ) on on 250$ DAP, GL2000 soundstage in leather pads fits me perfect , Its  bigger and multi layered  then anything in my small collection (Fostex Ebony(some fake ala Dekoni leather pads from Amazon, 5* , HiFiMan 4xx, Nighthawk Carbon, V-moda crosfade M100, 1More (Trident),  M&D MH30). Definitely I am gone try the synthetic D pads, but before Ill have to make some research how to swap them , for now I am happy as PIG in muddy puddles. Please send me reminder in few days time, Ill share my experience with you.
我还没有试过D型耳罩,我在过去的10个小时,我一直试图设置我的SMSLM500与foobar和musicbee,我已经结束了DAC版本1.5。事实上,我已经发现这个DAC的版本1只能处理一个固件升级,这就是为什么**从他们的网站第二固件更新。之后,我得到了愤怒,并开始乱搞我的hibir5槽USB音频播放器应用程序参数均衡。最终的结果让人瞠目结舌:哦,我从没想过我能在250美元的DAP上,在所有的音轨(我正在听相当技术性的金属音乐)中同时听到如此清晰的基音和基音,真皮耳罩的GL2000 声场非常适合我:),它比我的小收藏品(Fostex Ebony(一些来自亚马逊的仿ala Dekoni皮革垫,5*:)、HiFiMan 4xx、夜鹰碳纤维、V-moda crosfade M100、1More(三叉戟)、M&D MH30)更大、更多层。我肯定要去试一下混合的皮布D垫,但在那之前我得研究一下如何交换它们:),因为现在我就像泥坑里的猪一样快乐。请在几天内给我发送提醒,我会和你分享我的经验。

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 楼主| 发表于 2021-2-17 12:10 | 显示全部楼层 来自 广东
Got a pair. You're not crazy!
Impressions: Detailed, but smooth, not detailed and analytical; they're very listenable-too.  The highs are high without being crass and the lows are sublime, powerful and controlled.  Running through my favourite singers/vocal as opposed to instrumental tracks was a treat.  Tracy Chapman, Susan Vega, Annie Lennox, Cranberries, all  were catered for well with the GL's delivery silky smooth, heart-warming (The Cranberries - Zombie read: heart-wrenching!) rendition. Delicious.
The sound stage is amazing.  Especially with the hybrid earpads, they sound HUGE.  Try Eric Serra: The Big Blue and, from the Leon soundtrack: Very Special Delivery. The space in your head is expanded beyond sensible.  Try some Johann Johannsson too: Arrival (soundtrack) Heptapod B with its rhythms and ethereal vocals presented all over the audio-stage. is mesmerising.
My previous go-to were  Sennheiser 6xx's, which are very light: 260 gram  (9.2 oz), where these weigh in at around 550 gram (19.4 oz) and you can feel it.  Where the 6xx's made themselves known was with the clamp. I've got a fat head and the clamp was definitely something you became aware of in extended listening sessions.  The GL2000's give you a comfortable grip, which is excellent, but I can definitely feel the  weight bearing down on me after a couple of hours.  Maybe I'll get more used to them over time.
Overall impression is excellent, however.  The sound quality is superb, the comfort levels are high and, where I found the standard pads got a bit sticky on me over an extended period, the hybrid pads are extremely comfortable.
My first planar headphones and I'm delighted with them.  Thank you for the recommendation Zeos.  Now I likely won't be watching  your vids again for a while now, because once again, I'm skint and I can't afford you waxing lyrical over another piece of expensive kit that I will subsequently become obsessed over until I buy it.




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 楼主| 发表于 2021-2-17 12:17 | 显示全部楼层 来自 广东
I finally got my GL2000, let me start with my collection of headphones, i have HD58x,LCD2C, AKG k712, amiron home and HD800s. Listening to the GL2000 is like its my first set of headphones that i have ever owned. imaging, details and the separation of instruments is painfully overwhelming.
Fit - I tend to have comfort issue with many headphones as i'm sensitive to  my ears touching the driver of the cup, this fits perfect its very deep and fits nicely. weight - its way lighter than my LCD2c and abit heavier than HD800s, prefect weight with the headband/pads so cushy its really comfortable.  
Low end - you can physically feel the warmth of the low end. I was listening to an ASMR video and the girl was whispering on her HIFI mics and i swear to god i felt the warmth on my ears! i freaked out and thought the ear cup was getting hot. overall, Not super bassy but super gurthy and tight (when the songs requires it). I hope you got the picture.
Mids - full and rich at times in certain songs might get a bit too bright on high volume in the upper mids if you are super sensitive to brightness. Vocals : females - as i said could get a bit bright on specifically strong cries ( though not all female vocals. ONLY very specific songs). Overall, the mids are transparent yet present at all times.
Highs - detailed, clean and so impactful, I never enjoyed the highs on my HD800s so fatiguing and harsh on many occasions i lower the volume but with the GL2000 it is never harsh.
Imaging - I think this one shocked me the most of how precise these pair are, The HD800s has a great imaging but the GL2000 had a more realistic feel and familiarity. Basically, this is a better version of the HD800s in terms of consumer enjoyment with honey on top and less soundstage.
Thank you Zeos!

我终于得到了我的GL2000,让我从我收集的耳机开始,我有HD58x,LCD2C,AKG k712,amiron home和HD800s。听GL2000就像是我拥有的第一套耳机。结像、细节和分离令人着迷。


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 楼主| 发表于 2021-2-18 16:57 | 显示全部楼层 来自 广东
Unlike headphones that usually place the performance inside, near, and around your head; the GL2000 seems to have the uncanny ability to place the performance in front of you. Maybe it is this ability that is triggering different opinions. Enjoying this ‘live’ performance characteristics. Pretty awesome having Eva Cassidy strumming and belting out in front of you.
The GL2000 likes clean, strong, SS amps, in balance.


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 楼主| 发表于 2021-2-18 17:04 | 显示全部楼层 来自 广东
Got my GL2000. Definitely first rate to me. No regrets here. Everyone hear things a bit differently and have different taste of music. Some of the recommended stuff from DMS and other ‘respected reviewers’ are just meh to me, of course some are great.
Vocals on the GL2000 is placed a bit further forward, which is just right for me. Some of the headphones DMS recommends have vocals that is in your face. I guess that is what he likes.



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 楼主| 发表于 2021-2-19 15:41 | 显示全部楼层 来自 广东
First impressions are a mixed bag. And I’ll probably save my long winded, full review for my own thread , however. I’ll say this. These are not technically on par with Audeze LCD-X or ADX5000 (thrown them into rotation for a bit). It would be foolish to say that or mislead people to think that. But, for $600, these are quite fun and capable headphones to play with. They do some things very well and some things are hard to dismiss when compared to headphones from upper tier category. I don’t have headphones that I could compare to GLs directly as far as design/price is concern. So this might sound a bit harsh. But believe me, it’s not. Just trying to be honest with you here.
GLs are a fine headphones that will make many people extremely happy. And to get substantially better sound, you will need to spend sizable pocket change.
Are they worth their asking $600?
I have tried them with my SS and Tube amp, and for whatever reason, SS worked substantially better with GLs.
They do need more power then LCDX, that’s for sure. I would say that they might appear to be easy to drive but be cautious. They seem to be power hungry.
Comfort is OK but not spectacular. Weighting substantially less than LCDX ( which is great) but balance is a bit weird.
Stock pads are OK. And I preferred sound with those for the most part. Perforated pads are a little weird. (I have tried aftermarket perforated pads as well. And they sounded better then those that came with GLs). They give impression of artificial “air/detail/space” but it feels unnatural/forced. There’s also this sound characteristic that I can only described as “compression-like”. In upper bass and lower treble. Muddiness in upper bass and a sort of shout in lower treble. It also could be my imagination so take it with a grain of salt.
Anyway, these are my impressions from a very brief time I had with them.
So take it for what it is.
edited corrections.
I should also add that I didn’t use stock cable.
I have used my own single ended cable bc non of my amps have 4.4 connectors on it.
第一印象是好坏参半。不过,我可能会把冗长、完整的评论留到自己的帖子里。从技术上讲,它们与Audeze LCD-X或ADX5000不能相提并论(使它们旋转一会儿)。这么说或误导人们以为这样是愚蠢的。但是,只要花600美元,这些耳机就可以玩起来很有趣且功能强大。与上层类别的耳机相比,它们做得很好,而有些事情则难以忽略。就设计/价格而言,我没有可以直接与GL2000比较的耳机。因此,这话听起来有些不中听。但请相信我,不是。只是想在这里对你诚实。





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 楼主| 发表于 2021-2-21 14:48 | 显示全部楼层 来自 广东惠州
I don’t part with my money easily. I have ZERO regrets with my purchase. It’s been almost a month of listening and I’m still amazed. GL2000 for the win.


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 楼主| 发表于 2021-2-21 15:56 | 显示全部楼层 来自 广东惠州
I just got my double magnant one and think they are soooo worth the money- def a rec
Ricky RDT
Yeah every I put them on I like them more, they play good with everything

@ricky RDT right now listening to Buddy Guy Slippin In and just before the Philosopher Kings An't No Woman Around and I am hooked! they did the BladeRunner2049 Sound track and passed with flying colors- man these do  like Class A (Im using the RSA Apache w/ Quad Sparkos Pro SS2590s - simply insane - I even think they are better than my Kennerton Thekks for price vs performance for sure

我刚买了我的双面磁路版,我觉得他们很值这个钱-def a rec

Ricky RDT
@Ricky RDT 现在正在听Buddy Guy 的Slipin in,就在哲学家国王没有女人的时候,我上瘾了!BladeRunner2049的声音就像现场版一样,,并以鲜艳的颜色传递了-这就像A类(我使用的设备是SS2590sRSA Apache w/ Quad Sparkos Pro SS2590s)简直疯狂-我甚至认为他们肯定比我的Kennerton Thekks耳机有着更好的价格与性能

Kennerton Thekks耳机

Kennerton Thekks耳机

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