

 楼主| 发表于 2021-2-15 11:49 | 显示全部楼层 来自 广东惠州
So far I’m using the SE out on the hip dac and I’m happy with it. Pressing the bass boost on it with these is really impressive for electronic music. It’s pretty badass tbh, the dynamics, combined with the big sound, and that bass boost is really fun. If you’re into hard hitting electronic music and want to murder your ears in the best way, I’d recommend listening to Kayzo - Braincase. Highs are slightly tiring with the gl2000 and the hip dac it but it’s totally tolerable IMO. The sound stage depth/width, and instrument separation definitely improves with the Jot2, but the hip dac still retains a pretty big sound.
到目前为止,我在HIP DAC上使用SE,对此感到满意。用这些来增强低音效果确实对电子音乐印象深刻。这真是令人喜欢的声音,动感十足的声音加上强劲的声音,低音增强真的很有趣。如果您想打击电子音乐,并想以最好的方式谋杀您的耳朵,建议您听Kayzo-Braincase。 GL2000和HIP DAC的高频有些累人,但在我看来完全可以接受。声场的深度/宽度以及乐器的分离度肯定会随着Jot2的改善而提高,但hip-dac仍然保持着相当大的音质。

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 楼主| 发表于 2021-2-15 11:59 | 显示全部楼层 来自 广东惠州

So I have some first impressions of the GL2000.
AMP - THX 789
DAC - Soncoz LA-QXD1
Music source is through Optical from my PC.
The only other headphone I have to compare these to is the Ether CX. Closed vs Openbacks, like apples vs oranges.
Honestly, I grudgingly say that these reproduce more detail than my Ether CX in every song I throw at them. I say grudgingly because I love my Ether CX and I want to keep using them.
The GL2000 has a lot more bass, image better, has better separation, and has a larger soundstage than my Ether CX.
I feel like I don’t have to concentrate to hear some of the little details in songs. Although, everything sounds as if the dynamic range has shrunk a bit.
People like to describe music reproduction as “layered” which I can attest to. Vocalists, female and male, sound like there’re in front of you most likely due to the larger soundstage.
In the end, I was looking for a different way my music could be played and I think I found that different way.
Also, because someone mentioned earlier in the thread, These sound better than the Aeon Open RTs, which I owned for a small amount of time.
One bad aspect to note is the build quality. I mean compared to my Ether CX these feel cheap and flimsy.
As far as what I listen to:
Hiroyuki Sawano - Attack on Titan Season 1-3 Xenoblade Chronicles X
Keiichi Okabe - NieR, NieR: Automata, Drakengard 3
The Killers -Hot Fuss
Yuki Kajiura - Garden of Sinners Movie Soundtrack
Glass Animals - ZABA
This is just a first impression because I have only listened to them for about an hour.
I’ll report back in a few days.
Edit: I just wanted to add that I am using the D-Shaped Hybrid pads and I have not heard the original leather ones.
E耳放-THX 789
DAC-Soncoz LA-QXD1
我唯一要比较的其他耳机是Ether CX。封闭式vs开放式,如苹果与橙子。
老实说,我不情愿地说,在我向它们试听的每首歌曲中,这些都比Ether CX重现更多细节。我之所以勉强地说,是因为我爱我的Ether CX,并且希望继续使用它们。
GL2000比我的Ether CX具有更多的低音,更好的映像,更好的分离效果以及更大的声场。
另外,由于有人在前面的评价中提到过,这些听起来比我拥有少量时间的Aeon Open RT更好。
要注意的一个不好的方面是耳机做工。我的意思是,与我的Ether CX相比,它们感觉便宜有点脆弱。
泽野弘之-进击的巨人第1-3季Xenoblade Chronicles X
冈部敬一-NieR,NieR:Automata,Drakengard 3
杀手-Hot Fuss
Yuki Kajiura-罪人花园电影原声


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 楼主| 发表于 2021-2-15 12:03 | 显示全部楼层 来自 广东惠州
I went back to the stock pads.
Not for the sound but just because they are leather and have memory foam which I like better over the D pads.
I can’t really tell a difference in sound signature to be honest. But that maybe has to do with me, thought is was cool to stand in front of big ass speakers in the club in my younger years.
What I can confirm is that the GL2k gets better! Ohh boy they get better! And im only halfway into the burnin. (Or my brain are messing with me)
Either way,
Where at first I liked the Sundara better with certain songs, now I don’t anymore. The Sundara’s gonna have to go



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 楼主| 发表于 2021-2-15 12:06 | 显示全部楼层 来自 广东惠州
Mine have also improved since they arrived. I let them play pink noise for nearly 24 hours and I don’t notice the same harshness I was originally getting sometimes with some percussion notes (YMMV, obviously - could just be me adjusting to it). I was somewhat unimpressed at first, but a couple of days later I can say that I’m very happy with these. I just recently swapped from the stock D-shaped hybrid pads to a set of ZMF Auteur hybrid pads I already had. They’re more comfortable than the stock hybrids and I don’t feel like I lose anything with them. Maybe they add a bit more bass, or maybe that’s just me, but they’re definitely more comfortable.



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 楼主| 发表于 2021-2-15 12:11 | 显示全部楼层 来自 广东惠州
本帖最后由 GOLDPLANAR 于 2021-2-15 12:15 编辑

I have had the GL2000 since Saturday and have used them Balanced on the HibY R5, R6 2020 and Schiit Modius/Magnius Stack and all have played nicely. The real surprise for me so far is this has been the first pair of HP’s that played a version of the 1812 Overture with live canons amazingly. The GLs didn’t distort the canons at all. Also, the shimmering of cymbals is outstanding. I only have the FIIO FH7, ThieAudio Monarchs and Sundaras to compare right now. I do have a pair of Aeolus coming soon though.
This is my first impression, if these continue to improve I will be very impressed.

I have not A/B’d them yet. I will as they burn in more. I definitely like the comfort of the GL’s more and not just because of them being over the ear. I also like the highs more, cymbals, especially crash, sound very real to me.
I like my FH7 for comfort more, the Monarchs are large and don’t fit my ears the best. It is not the tips, it is just the physical size of the IEM.
Anyway, I will do some comparisons in the next few weeks or sooner depending on work.
I would ask others that own the GL’s, does the low end resolve as good as I hear them. I have definitive BP8080ST Towers with dual SVS subs, and the bass detail lags just behind those. As I mentioned above, it handles canons like no other headphone I have heard yet.
Though that may not be saying much.

从上周六开始我就有了GL2000,并在HibY R5、R6 2020和Schiit Modius/Magnius组合上使用了它们,它们都发挥得很好。到目前为止,真正让我惊讶的是,这是第一幅耳机让我感觉到了播放了1812序曲版本的惊人的现场感。GL2000一点也没有歪曲正典。而且,钹的打击也很突出。我现在只有FIIO FH7,ThieAudio Monars和Sundaras可供比较。我确实有一双风神马上就要来了。

我会问其他拥有GL2000的人,低端的解决方案是否和我听到的一样好。我有明确的BP8080ST Towers with dual SVS subs,低音细节落后于那些。正如我上面提到的,它处理映像是我目前听过的耳机中最好的


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 楼主| 发表于 2021-2-15 12:20 | 显示全部楼层 来自 广东惠州
I know this is my First post on here but these sound extremely good exactly what i was expecting from the review . I have probably put around 50 hours on them and to me although it might just be my brain the sound seems to have smoothed out and stage has widened since i first received them. I have been using them with the D shaped pads with my topping a90 / modius with a +3db bass shelf and have no complaints. They are easily better than my lcd2c in every single way. Ill have to wait for my clears to come back for another headphone comparison but i know they are 2 separate beasts in their own way. I am very eager to try these with a class A amp such as Rebel or Flux labs offerings so if anyone has any experience i’d love to know.

我知道这是我在这里的第一个贴分享,但这些听起来非常好,正是我所期待的。我大概花了大约50个小时在它们上面,对我来说,虽然这可能只是我的大脑,但自从我第一次收到它们以来,声音似乎变得平滑了,舞台也变宽了。我一直在使用他们与D形耳罩与我的TOP A90/modius与+3db低音架,没有任何不爽。对比LCD2C ,GL2000很容易被推动。我必须等待我的CLEARS回来,来做比较。我非常渴望尝试这些在A级放大器推推看,如Rebel or Flux labs的产品,所以如果有人有任何经验,我想知道。


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 楼主| 发表于 2021-2-15 12:23 | 显示全部楼层 来自 广东惠州
Zeos, you weren’t kidding about these headphones. I’ve been using them over the past 2 days, and I have to say that I’m impressed with them. They literally on par with my TH900’s, which is absolutely insane to think. I think the Fostex has an edge on bass a bit, but the GL2000 makes it up with a bit more open soundstage and some impressive imaging. Without EQ, I didn’t like their sound much, but they respond really well to EQ, and after some tweaks, they sound great.
I haven’t even fully burned them in yet. I think I might keep these!



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 楼主| 发表于 2021-2-15 12:30 | 显示全部楼层 来自 广东惠州
本帖最后由 GOLDPLANAR 于 2021-2-15 12:31 编辑

Just got them as well
They are definitely heavier than my Sundara and I’ve only been listening for about 10 minutes but I can tell I like these more already. I do miss the vocal forwardness(or maybe its more vocal intimate?)of the Sundara compared to the GL2000 however. My 58x are too closed in for me, GL2000 seems too wide, and the Sundara vocals seems right where i want it. Bass seems lacking punch compared to the Sundara too. But im sure after break in and getting used to the sound I’ll love them even more. Using hybrid pads. Did not bother with the oval leather ones. My only complaint is that they don’t have clamp force at all, so even on the smallest fit, they still wobble on my head when I move my head. Running these off a Modius and an Atom so im sure there is more power to be unlocked if I switch to a better amp.
它们肯定比我的Sundara重,我只听了大约10分钟,但我可以说我已经更喜欢GL2000了。我真的很怀念这种声音的主动性(或者是更亲密的声音?)然而,与GL2000相比,Sundara的。我的58x对我来说太近了,GL2000似乎太宽了,Sundara的声音似乎正好在我想要的地方。低音似乎缺乏打击相比, Sundara也是。但我相信在习惯了这个声音之后,我会更爱他们的。更喜欢使用D形皮布耳罩。不喜欢椭圆形的真皮耳罩。我唯一的抱怨是它们夹紧力不够,因此即使最小的配合,当我移动头部时,它们仍然会在我的头部摆动。目前只是使用Modius和Atom来推,因此,如果我切换到更好的放大器,我相信还有更大的潜力释放。



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 楼主| 发表于 2021-2-15 12:39 | 显示全部楼层 来自 广东惠州
These feel effortless.
Never owned the arya’s or other headphones these are compared with by reviewers so this is based on all the headphones I own and these sound effortless compared to them.
Maybe it’s because of the soundstage sounding so big? D pads on the cups for initial impression.
Plugged them into the asgard 3 high gain at 10 o’clock in a quiet room and it’s a loud listening volume (ymmv) as reference.
Wide and big sounding! From initial Impressions, these are hitting the spot. Different from everything in my collection so it fills a space for me. These I would classify as the big headphones that I can reach for when I don’t want to feel claustrophobic if that makes sense. It does everything in a way that I’m not thinking I’m missing something like I sometimes feel with other headphones. It could have better slam but that’s a preference and it’s good as it is.
I like hip hop and these will perform unless you like to be dominated by bass. So far everything just sound so satisfying in its presentation compared to my other headphones. The bass is good unless you want bass cannons, the mids are present but could be sweeter sounding but that might take away from the defined sounding edge that vocals have which I assume could help with separation? Mids are present and slightly more forward sounding because of that imo. No sibilance from the highs that I can detect (ymmv). ( Zeos voice usually hurts my ears from sibilance I think? These headphones don’t give me that effect.)
I put these on right after waking up in the morning to a package at the door. No worries so far with build quality from my set but time will tell and so far these are very comfortable but hefty. I’m using the affordable neomusicia dual 3.5mm plugs for the he 400i/he4xx etc etc on these since I don’t have an amp with pentaconn. Works great.
Edit*** I think these can make mediocre youtube music video uploads sound better in comparison to my other headphones.


我早上醒来看到门口的一个包裹就戴上了。到目前为止,不担心耳机的做工,但时间会告诉我们,到目前为止,这些是非常舒适,但是有点重的。我正在使用neomusicia双3.5毫米插头,用于he 400i/he4xx等,因为我没有与4.4平衡放大器,但效果很好。


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 楼主| 发表于 2021-2-15 12:52 | 显示全部楼层 来自 广东惠州
Got mine in today, Zeo wasn’t lying. These are **ing great!!! Wide open, sound stage is comparable to the shp 9500, but the fastness and clarity is what I love about them. It’s really like the shp but all the benefits of planar! I owned the Mr Speaker Aeon Flows and this is better! Which I did like the semi closed feeling of the Aeons. The Bass is wayyyyyyyy better then the Aeons tho and those have better bass then the Shp. The highs are just a bit on the edge side, but I’ve only used them for a few hours. The hyber pads really open them up, but the fact that they are not memory foam is a bummer. They are really heavy compared to the shp but those are like a feather.
As for power my phone, play these just fine on almost max volume. Sounded good but not as good as my Schiit stack.
The fit on these are great and I have xl ears and they are basically perfect for me! The fact that the adjustment is so stiff is **ing great I don’t have to worry about them slipping out.
As someone who isn’t an audiophile… who’s just been on the quest to find my perfect one and done headphones… this is it! No joke I’m in love with them.
Gaming, this is weird but the game sounds great. The imaging seems is great! I played some Takrov, warzone and cyberpunk they all sounded great. Tarkov is a game that’s hard to image imo and it did a pretty good job. It’s just great very large sound stage to work with and the imaging is good too!
TLDR; Basically Planar SHP 9500
If you have the spare cash these are definitely worth.

今天拿到了我的耳机了,Zeo没有撒谎。这些都太好了!!!大开放,声音舞台和的SHP9500可比,但坚挺和清晰是我喜欢他们。它真的像SHP,但有平面的全部优点!我拥有Mr Speaker Aeon Flows,但这个更好!我很喜欢Aeons.那种半封闭的感觉。低音比 Aeons好,对比Shp来说更好。高频有点偏了,但我只用了几个小时。混合耳罩真的打开了他们,混合垫确实可以打开它们,但事实并非如此,这实在令人um舌。与shp相比,它们确实有点重,但是就像羽毛一样。
太长不看;基本上2000胜于SHP 9500


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 楼主| 发表于 2021-2-16 12:04 | 显示全部楼层 来自 广东
Quick thoughts as I can’t really compare it any other headphones other than a £90 pair of closed back “Cloud II Hyper X” . I’ve paired these with a topping A50s and D50s stack and have only heard them so far on the stock pads. Music used was a mix from Spotify and TIDAL
Clamping force is light and slips a little, but christ is it comfy, heavy but doesn’t fatigue.
4.4mm cable is exceptional… wish all cables were like this.
No loose scew for me on this one.
Imaging is Very impressive
Bass is punchy but depth lacks, in short “It’s there” but nothing great (could be due to the clamp force, or compared to closed back)
Vocals are seriously impressive
Very Fast (Psytrance works really well and keeps up)
Intial impressions didn’t blow me away, the closed back spoiled me with muddy but very fun bass which just wasn’t there on the Gold’s. The “Honest” neutral sound from the toppings probably played their part in this but it ruined some of my Metal and Rock tracks for me. Worry was setting in fast UNTIL . I played “Beyond the Sea” by Bobby Darin along side a healthy amount of Pink Floyd and then it clicked. These are mighty impressive with their sound stage and imaging. Female Vocals are silky smooth and stop right before it hits any uncomfortable sibilance.
Were these the mind blowing does everything better headphones I thought? No… but are they worth the price? I certainly think so, but it depends on what you listen to at the end of the day.
Some songs come off as a little compressed (this was only really heard during metal and pop songs, but not all of them making me think it was simply just poorly recorded perhaps)
Bass feels a little underwhelming, I’m someone who loves their bass so the more shake I can get the better, while the bass is here it certainly doesn’t kick as hard as my £90 closed pair. (Maybe break in will help this.)
Yet to hear the hybrids but from what I’ve read so far they might be an straight upgrade. Thanks!

很快捷的分享,因为我真的无法与其他耳机相比,除了一双90英镑的封闭式“Cloud II Hyper X”。我把这些和拓品 A50和D50s搭配在一起,到目前为止我只听过它们出现在垫子上的声音。使用的音乐是Spotify和TIDAL的混合
* 速度很快(Psytrance工作得很好,而且能跟上)
最初的印象并没有把我吹走,封闭式耳机金士顿Cloud II Hyper X非常有趣的低音把我宠坏了,这是金平面2000没有的。从顶部发出的“诚实”的自然声音可能起到了他们的作用,但它毁了我的一些金属和摇滚乐曲目。担心很快就开始了,直到。我演奏了波比·达林的《海那边》,旁边放了不少粉红色的弗洛伊德,然后它就响了。它们的声场和结像给人留下了深刻的印象。女声是丝般光滑,停止之前,它击中任何不舒服的嘶嘶声。



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 楼主| 发表于 2021-2-16 12:11 | 显示全部楼层 来自 广东
I owned them for a little while and they where very good. I sold my collection of headphones after upgrading to the Solitaire P. The original hybrid pads where the best for me. Didn’t notice any loss in bass. My DAC is TT2 and the amp was a WA33 with TOTL tubes and maybe that just made it sound better then what most people are experiencing with the GL2000. Guess I was running on high octane. Not a fair comparison with a 13k setup.

Solitaire P。D形皮布耳罩最适合我。没有注意到低音有任何损失。我的DAC是TT2和耳机放大器是一个带TOTL管WA33带TOTL管,也许这只是使它听起来比大多数人正在经历的GL2000更好。猜测我是运行在高OCTANE 上,与13k设置不公平的比较。

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 楼主| 发表于 2021-2-16 12:13 | 显示全部楼层 来自 广东
Got my GL2000 double magnet today.
First impression - they really need proper power. On my FiiO Q5s with AM3D THX module they are unlistenable.
Overall sound is shouty and unpleasant, specially in the presence region. The sound hurts me so much I couldn’t listen to them for more than 10-15 min. Totally underpowered. So I just left them to burn in.
I can hear however that they have wide soundstage, good sub bass and fine details. All this just doesn’t come together.

第一印象-他们真的需要适当的推力。在我的带有AM3D THX模块的FiiO Q5上,它们是不可监听的。


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 楼主| 发表于 2021-2-16 12:18 | 显示全部楼层 来自 广东
I have both headphones and i think the GL2000 is definitely worth twice the price. For one thing they dont have the dark that the Zeus has. They are much more detailed and thrilling than the Zeus. They kinda have the detail of a high end headphone. If you can afford it go Zeus.


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 楼主| 发表于 2021-2-16 12:26 | 显示全部楼层 来自 广东
Hi everyone
First post on here
I’ve had the GL2000’s for a week now and they are rather good. I have tried so many headphones over the last Year and these have come closest to what I’ve been looking for. I’ve tried Sennheiser HD599 (First open back headphones sounded great back then) Sennheiser HD 660S (great sound but lacking bass, super comfortable and light) Sivga Phoenix (Terrible pads and although good bass lacking in mid and highs) Focal Elear (OK bass but freq response all over the place) Beyerdynamic Amiron Home (OK sound over all however nothing special) Sennheiser HD560S (Still use these - great sound extends well but a little too reference sounding)
I am no expert as these are running off a ifi zen dac but the sound is superb using the standard pads. I’m visually impaired and fear braking something if I try changing the pads. The GL2000 are slightly warmer than the HD560S but invite you into the centre of the music rather than putting it in front of you. The HD560S are brighter which leads to the impression of more detail. All the GL2000 need is a better kick and they would be perfect.
I have the Focal Elex coming (Hard to get them into the UK) so will decide which to keep after testing them. I’m not fortunate enough to have a collection as I only use headphones while I am working from home so I can’t justify having multiple sets.

我已经有一个星期的GL2000的了,他们相当好。在过去的一年里,我试过很多耳机,这些都和我一直在寻找的最接近。我试过森海塞尔HD599(第一个开放式耳机听起来很好),森海塞尔HD660S(很好的声音,但缺乏低音,超级舒适和轻)斯维嘉Sivga Phoenix(糟糕的垫子,虽然中高音缺乏良好的低音)Focal Elear(低音正常,但频率响应到处都是)Beyerdynamic Amiron Home(声音正常,但没有什么特别的)Sennheiser HD560S(仍然使用这些-伟大的声音延伸很好,但有点太参考声音)
我不是专家,因为这些都是用 ifi zen dac来推的,但声音是一流的使用标准真皮耳罩。我有视力障碍,害怕更换耳罩会损害什么。GL2000比HD560稍微暖和一点,但它能邀请你进入音乐的中心,而不是把它放在你面前。HD560更加明亮,给人留下更多细节的印象。GL2000所需要的只是一个更好的选择,它们将是非常完美的。。
我的FOCAL Elex即将到来(很难让他们进入英国),所以将决定哪些能留下来经过测试后。我没有足够的幸运有一个收集,因为我在家工作所以我只使用耳机,我也不能留下多套耳机。


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 楼主| 发表于 2021-2-16 12:31 | 显示全部楼层 来自 广东
I have the GL2K since a few days only and I am normally running it with my Topping A90 fed by my RME ADI-2 DAC. I was surprised that I can leave the A90 in low gain most of the time and still enjoy a rich sound (as a disclaimer: I generally listen at lower to moderate volume levels). It also runs well off my “weaker” RebelAmp (in high gain) and the THX789. However that does not mean that the GL2K does not need the amps power reserves. Most of the portable DAC-Amps I tried it on so far (including the Mojo, Monoprice THX-portable, Centrance DACport-HD, …) and are a bit lackluster. Of course they make the GL2K “loud” but do not drive it to its full potential especially in the low-end and also w.r.t. harshness (see also the DT880/600 discussion). Until a saw your question, my e1da 9038S (3rd Gen.) didn’t come to my mind for this headphone. So I just tried it a few minutes ago and it actually runs relatively well to my surprise. I was at about 70% volume and it plays loud and not too badl. Still it is a bit limited in its performance by the 9038s and for the first time since I have the GL2K, I was skipping tracks quickly to get over it. Switching back to the A90 was actually a bit a relief.
Long story short; I would not invest in the GL2K without a proper amp but I would say you definitely do not require the full wattage stated there.

我有GL2K有几天了,我通常运行它与我的拓品A90和RME ADI-2 DAC来推。我很惊讶,我可以离开A90在低增益的大部分时间,仍然享受丰富的声音(作为免责声明:我一般听低至中等音量水平)。它也运行良好,我的“弱”RebelAmp(在高增益)和THX789。然而,这并不意味着GL2K不需要安培功率储备。到目前为止,我试过的大多数便携式DAC放大器(包括Mojo、Monoprice THX-portable、Centrance-DACport-HD,…)都有点暗淡。当然,他们使GL2K“响亮”,但并没有把它的全部潜力,特别是在低端和w.r.t.苛刻(也见DT880/600的讨论)。直到a看到你的问题,我的E1DA9038S(第三代)没有想到这个耳机。所以我几分钟前就试过了,结果让我吃惊的是,它运行得相当好。我是在大约70%的音量,它发挥大声,不太坏。尽管如此,它在9038s的表现还是有点有限,自从我有了GL2K之后,我第一次跳过轨道来克服它。换回A90实际上有点松了一口气。


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 楼主| 发表于 2021-2-16 12:36 | 显示全部楼层 来自 广东
Got my GL200 three days ago.
Powering it with an Ifi Hip Dac.
I don’t now what’s wrong with some people but I like it a lot already (still burning in).
They don’t need as much power as some want to tell you.
With a Hip Dac on high gain, I can’t turn it to 1 o’clock. Too loud!
Dynamics and everything, all there.
Activate the bass button on the Hip Dac and you are in a Techno Club (with electronic music), but the GL2000 sounds even better.
I life in Berlin, so I know what a good Techno Club Sounds like.

用Ifi Hip Dac给它供电。
用HIP Dac在高增益下,我都不能把它转到1点钟。太大声了!
激活在HIP Dac上的低音按钮,你就进入了一个电子音乐俱乐部,但GL2000的声音听起来更好。


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 楼主| 发表于 2021-2-16 12:52 | 显示全部楼层 来自 广东
alright so some initial impressions here…
for starters these things are a bit hefty… though considering the weight of Audeze I can forgive that… they do feel a bit heftier than my Hifiman which could be that the build quality is better as these feel much sturdier so bonus points for that… Build wise very smooth finish and very good looking… cups are really large. Negative points from me on the size though… so, as someone with an average/above average size head I don’t have to adjust the headband on this at all… meaning if someone has a smaller head than me this isn’t going to fit you like… at all as this is still pretty loose on me… I think it would benefit greatly from a thicker pad to fit this potential problem but not sure which pads would work in that regard for this headphone… considering the size of the oval cups.
Amps and dacs this seems to be getting some attention… so to the asgard 3 this thing on high gain only gets to around… I want to say 35%-50% depending on the recording till it’s actually considered loud… this doesn’t need a massive amount of power however, this headphone definitely is changing how it sounds depending on my equipment… im not seeing the soundstage zeos was having until I go to things known for higher spatials such as the liquid platinum and asgard 3… violectric sounds gorgeous on this but makes the bass seem lacking… liquid platinum opens it up and warms it up but the mids seem to take a small hit and appear slightly dipping, asgard seems to provide a good balance overall but leaves me wanting a bit more clarity which is where the violectric seems to shine… this one seems to be a bit picky…
again, just because the headphone gets loud does NOT mean it’s synergizing properly with your setup or that your getting the most from your headphone…
Sound: depends on the amp but lets just go with the more balanced approach here? I don’t like thx amps but I did try it to my AUNE setup… didn’t respond the best… it sounds good but pass… left it on asgard + bifrost 2 so that’s where these observations come from.
Bass: tight, controlled, sounds… slightly under the neutral line not by much theres rumble impact and definite speed that planar slam and speed is noticeable. However, I wish there was more here might be best to eq this or connect it to ifi setups
Mids: honestly these sound gorgeous in the mids very clean very crisp very present… I honestly like these even more then my sennheisers vocals actually are surprising me a bit on this one considering the price…
Highs: a bit on the uncontrolled side and some songs hit some notes that were slightly uncomfortable. It teeters on too much for this signature and just right, for me it’s just right for relaxed listening not so much on analytical and sterile. There is some sparkle too and detail retrieval is definitely superb… granted I think my beyers do detail retrieval better here those sound brighter with a different sound signature as a planar though these do a damn good job at detail retrieval.
overall: currently I have a hard time discerning whether the Arya is even remotely worth it when these exist…
Soundstage: the soundstage and air quality on these is **ing massive… more than sundara more than ananda better than both on the depth quality and recreation of the space in the sound.
Imaging: I am a bit of an imaging junky if it’s bad I call it… these are not bad… not at all… yes, there is some headphones better in this regard arya is one of those in my opinion as well as some others… however, this is no push over… the imaging here is still pretty spot on and I have no complaints in this regard… go into this not looking for a studio listen and more of a music lovers listen and you will be fine.
Gaming: so far so good, very impressive. The bass being as lean as it is makes it not as enjoyable casually but in terms of competitive… these things are monsters potentially a cut above the DT 1990 in some regards depending on the game. The issue here is they need a good setup to get to this point it seems… I tried connecting to like say my old liquid spark and didn’t get the same results whatsoever… it sounded more intimate warmer and a bit on the veiled side even so the clarity took quite a hit.
negative points so far: heat build up, pads are made quite cheap, heft, not my preferred signature


耳放和DAC解码,这似乎是得到一些注意…所以对 asgard 3用高增益只能得到大约…我想说35%-50%,取决于录音,直到它实际上被认为是响亮的…这并不需要大量的推力,但是,这个耳机肯定是改变它的声音取决于我的设备…我没有听到zeos所描述的声场,直到我去的东西,如Liquid platinum和asgard 3更高的空间已知…紫罗兰色听起来华丽,但这使低音似乎缺乏…liquid platinum打开了它,温暖了它,但中间似乎要采取一个小的打击,似乎略有下降,阿斯加德似乎提供了一个良好的平衡整体,但让我想要一个更清晰的一点,这是那里的紫罗兰似乎闪耀…这一个似乎有点挑剔…


声音:取决于耳放,但让我们只去更平衡的方法在这里?我不喜欢thx放大器,但我尝试了我的AUNE设置…没有最好的回应…这听起来不错,但通过…留在asgard+bifrost 2它,所以这些观察来自。







游戏:到目前为止,一切都很好,令人印象深刻。低音是如此的苗条,使它不那么随便而令人愉悦,而是在竞争方面……这些东西可能是怪物,在某些方面取决于游戏,可能会超过DT 1990。这里的问题是,他们需要一个良好的设置才能达到这一点……我试图连接,就像说我的旧液体火花,却没有得到相同的结果……听起来更亲密,甚至有点蒙面。因此清晰度很高



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 楼主| 发表于 2021-2-16 12:56 | 显示全部楼层 来自 广东
Really not a contest for me, iFi Signature is significantly better.



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 楼主| 发表于 2021-2-16 13:04 | 显示全部楼层 来自 广东
OOTB GL2000 (DM) Impressions:
Gustard X16 DAC
Monoprice THX-887 Amp
Bellari EQ570
MQA Tidal
Out of the box I’m pretty impressed with the GL2000. I’ve been A/Bing them with my EQ’ed Monoprice M1070 and can clearly hear a sound upgrade. I used to own the HE-500 and HE-560 and hated them after awhile. The GL2000 destroys those two in enjoyability. I haven’t heard the Sundara yet, but unless it was a massive upgrade and tuning change over the HE-560 I’m going to believe that no, the Sundara does not match up to these.
*Both the M1070 and GL2000 sound better with EQ. GL2000 responds really well to an extra few dB ~60Hz
*Soundstage and separation are much better on the GL2000.
*Overall sound (Bass, Mids, Treble) are better on the GL2000.
*The stock pads are oval inside. Perforated ones are D shaped. Haven’t tried them yet.
*1070 has a slightly more “hollow?” sound (can’t think of a word to describe it, it’s not muffled)
I disliked the 1070 without EQ, but with it it’s a whole new headphone. It does pretty well (but should be ~$300). I would have been perfectly fine with just these.
The GL2000 though, even out of the box, is worth the price to me so far. That separation is real. I’d like to see a measurement on the passive soundstage and imaging response because the FR graph alone doesn’t tell the whole story. These shine with EQ.
Really enjoying them.

OOTB GL2000(DM)印象:

Gustard X16 DAC
Monoprice THX-887 耳放
Bellari EQ570
MQA Tidal
开箱的GL2000给我留下了深刻的印象。我用我的EQ'ed Monoprice M1070和他们打过交道,可以清楚地听到声音升级。我曾经拥有HE-500和HE-560,过了一段时间就恨他们了。GL2000很快就摧毁了这两个。我还没听过Sundara,但除非它是一个大规模的升级和调整的变化,他-560我会相信,没有,Sundara不符合这些。


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