这主要看是靠所谓科学的幌子做参数,还是真正的把科学参数作为重要参考指标的区别。以下是Benchmark自己网上post的品牌价值观:如果不愿意看英文这里简言之3条重点,1. 如果测量和听感有出入,那是测量的问题。2. 如果发现测量和听感有出入,以听感为基准,优化测量方式--即加入人耳失真作为参考。3. 经过多年探索,现在的测量方式已经成熟,但最终任何测量的优化都要用人耳来最终确认。
It is very important to verify transparency by listening. Many times, we have detected problems in listening tests that didn't show up in a basic set of measurements. Usually this was an indication that the measurements were incomplete. We have learned that if we hear something that didn't show up in the measurements, then we haven't done the right measurements! Over the years, our listening tests have helped us to refine our measurement techniques. We have learned how to detect and quantify defects that were initially revealed only by human ears. When measurement techniques are adequately refined, defects can be quantified, and design changes can be evaluated objectively. Measurements then allow us to refine a product until the defect is reduced to inaudible levels. In the end, the refinements need to be confirmed by listening tests. 我就请问这种格物致知的态度,哪个所谓的新兴“科学”厂家能做到?消费降级可以理解,但是拿着“科学”的招牌反过来抨击重视听感,追求音乐性的传统烧友就有点自欺欺人了。现在我把“科学界”的祖训搬出来了,请各位手持科学设备并自以为高高在上的烧友把这段祖训背下来,并牢记:1. 听歌用到的器官是耳朵,不是眼睛。2. 音乐到目前为止还属于艺术类范畴,不属于理工类,因此从“科学”角度,生产“音乐重放”类设备把“音乐”这个变量主观忽视,违背科学的最基本概念。3. 如果厂家还没搞懂人耳失真,没有过录音经验(甚至都没有太多听音经验),也不研究谐波和声音、听感的关系,是你功课没做够,卖的便宜是应该的,但别标榜性价比。因为这里的性能,和消费者追求的性能并不是完全重合的概念,个别产品大面积重合,不排除属于巧合。 最后,我并不反感以Topping和SMSL为首的新兴高参数厂家,反而我很自豪我们国家能走出来这样一条并不传统的路线,也让Hifi变得平易近人。两个厂家也有各自优秀的产品,D90, SM400 我都用过,都不错,对的起价钱。但是,任何人,任何厂家都没有权利定义“好的声音”或者“对的声音”。我只是来批判“参数不好声音就一定烂,参数好声音就烂不了”的伪科学论调。