我倒是懷疑你用沒用過。拿出那本厚厚說明書打開到第十頁,看上面怎麼寫的: [size=14.399999618530273px]6. Power Supply In order to make operating the ADI-2 DAC as flexible as possible, the unit has a universal DC input socket, accepting voltages from 9.5 Volts up to 15 Volts. An internal switching regulator of the latest technology with high efficiency (> 90%) prevents internal hum noise by operating above audible frequencies. Internally the switching regulator is followed by standard linear regu-lators, followed by super low-noise linear regulators. Therefore the ADI-2 DAC achieves its technical specs even with less optimal power supplies. Or in other words: the choice of power supply is not critical.