本帖最后由 borrego 于 2022-2-7 00:07 编辑
拓品产品的低失真, 是在电路中使用高度负反馈来实现的.
节一段何庆华的产品描述: http://www.audio-gd.com/Master/Master9P/Master9PACH.htm
另外国外对负反馈比较有名的见解是Nelson Pass : https://www.passlabs.com/technical_article/audio-distortion-and-feedback/
Negative feedback can reduce the total quantity of distortion, but it adds new components on its own, and tempts the designer to use more cascaded gain stages in search of better numbers, accompanied by greater feedback frequency stability issues.
The resulting complexity creates distortion which is unlike the simple harmonics associated with musical instruments, and we see that these complex waves can gather to create the occasional tsunami of distortion, peaking at values far above those imagined by the distortion specifications.
楼主现在所喜欢的实际上是高度负反馈的声音, 而不是真正低失真的声音。发烧都会有一个过程, 楼主在真正了解电路设计或者听过好的无负反馈电路设计产品前, 仍会相信像拓品这种在使用一个简单电阻作负载的测试中得高分的产品是最好的。 |