- tc@pCP:~$ sudo vcgencmd get_throttled
- throttled=0x0
复制代码 翻译一下是这样:
- #!/usr/bin/env python2
- import subprocess
- GET_THROTTLED_CMD = 'vcgencmd get_throttled'
- 0: 'Under-voltage!',
- 1: 'ARM frequency capped!',
- 2: 'Currently throttled!',
- 3: 'Soft temperature limit active',
- 16: 'Under-voltage has occurred since last reboot.',
- 17: 'Throttling has occurred since last reboot.',
- 18: 'ARM frequency capped has occurred since last reboot.',
- 19: 'Soft temperature limit has occurred'
- }
- print("Checking for throttling issues since last reboot...")
- throttled_output = subprocess.check_output(GET_THROTTLED_CMD, shell=True)
- throttled_binary = bin(int(throttled_output.split('=')[1], 0))
- warnings = 0
- for position, message in MESSAGES.iteritems():
- # Check for the binary digits to be "on" for each warning message
- if len(throttled_binary) > position and throttled_binary[0 - position - 1] == '1':
- print(message)
- warnings += 1
- if warnings == 0:
- print("Looking good!")
- else:
- print("Hey, buddy, we may have a problem!")
复制代码 所以用线电的时候最好还是时不时看看日志,比耳朵靠谱多了。