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 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-29 22:16 | 只看该作者 来自 北京市朝阳区
Into Nature: Vivaldi Seasons and other sounds from Mother Earth
Genre: Classical, Concertos
Medium: CD
Country of disc production: Made in Belgium
Disc release year: 2019
Publisher (label): Passacaille
Catalogue number: PAS 1062
Record date: 2018
Audio codec: FLAC
Rip Type: image+.cue
Audio Bitrate: lossless
Duration: 01:01:49

Biagio Marini (1594-1663)
01 Sonata Prima sopra Fuggi dolente core 03:21
for two violins and continuo
from Diversi generi di Sonate […] Opera XXII Venice, 1655
Clément Janequin (c. 1475-1558)
02 Le chant des oyseaulx 05:57
for four voices (adapted for two violins, viola and cello)
from Chansons de Maistre Clement Janequin Paris, 1528
Tarquinio Merula (1595-1665)
03 La Lusignuola 05:10
for two violins, viola and continuo
from Il primo libro delle canzoni a 4 Venice, 1615
Marco Uccellini (1603-1680)
04 Aria Nona L’Emenfrodito, 03:26
Maritati insieme la Gallina e’l Cucco fanno un bel concerto
for two violins and continuo
from Sonate Arie, et Correnti […] Venice, 1642
05 Symphonia Vigesima Septima L’Arcadicha 01:38
for three violins and continuo
from Sinfonie Boscarecie […] Opera Ottava Antwerpen, 1669
06 Symphonia Decima Sesta La Granciflora 01:34
for three violins and continuo
from Sinfonie Boscarecie […] Opera Ottava Antwerpen, 1669
Stefano Pasino (fl. 1599-1679)
07 Sonata undecima detta la Grega, 02:25
Seconda parte Bonatella
[ad immitatione di versi che sogliono fare diversi animali brutti]
for two violins and continuo
from Sonate a 2. 3. 4. […] Venice, 1679
Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741)
from Il Cimento dell’Armonia e dell’Inventione […] Amsterdam 1725
for violin, strings and continuo
Violin Concerto in E Major, RV 269 La primavera (Spring)
08 Allegro: Giunt’è la primavera – Canto degl’uccelli – 03:47
Scorrono i fonti – Tuoni – Canto d’uccelli
09 Largo: Il capraro che dorme – Mormorio di frondi e pianti – Il cane che grida 02:28
10 Allegro: Danza pastorale 02:56
Violin Concerto in G Minor, RV 315 L’estate (Summer)
11 Allegro non molto: Languidezza per il caldo – Il cucco – La tortorella – 05:09
Il gardellino – Zeffiretti dolci – Vento Borea – Il pianto del villanello
12 Adagio: Toglie alle membra lasse il suo riposo 02:14
Il timore de’ lampi e tuoni fieri – Mosche e mosconi – Tuoni
13 Presto: Tempo impetuoso d’estate 02:47
Violin Concerto in F Major, RV 293 L’autunno (Autumn)
14 Allegro: Ballo e canto de’ villanelli – L’ubriaco – Ubriachi – 05:03
Ubriaco – L’ubriaco che dorme
15 Adagio molto: Ubriachi dormienti 02:23
16 Allegro: La caccia – La fiera che fugge – Schioppi e cani – 03:00
La fiera fuggendo muore
Violin Concerto in F Minor, RV 297 L’inverno (Winter)
17 Allegro non molto: Aggiacciato tremar tra nevi algenti – Orrido vento – 03:27
Correre e battere li piedi per il freddo – Venti –Batter li denti
18 Largo: Passar al foco i dì quieti e contenti – La pioggia 01:43
19 Allegro: Camminar sopra ‘l giaccio – Camminar piano e con timore – 03:20
Cader a terra – Correr forte – giaccio – Il giaccio si rompe – Il vento Sirocco –
Il vento Borea e tutti li venti
Enrico Onofri, musical direction and solo baroque violin
Recording Date: April 17, 2018 - April 22, 2018
Recording Location: Anneliese Brost Musikforum Ruhr, Bochum (Deutschland)
Release Date: January 3, 2020 (allmusic)


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 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-29 22:17 | 只看该作者 来自 北京市朝阳区
Lessons: John Dowland - Lute Music - Jonas NordbergGenre: Classical
Medium: CD
Disc producing country: Sweden
Year of disc release: 2022
Publisher (label):BIS
Catalog number: BIS-SACD-2627
Recording date: 2021
Audio codec: FLAC
Rip type: image+.cue
Audio bitrate: lossless
Duration: 72:14
Source: own rip
Presence of scans in the content of the distribution: yesTracklist:John Dowland (1563-1626)[1] Prelude, P 98
[2] A Fancy, P 73
[3] The Frog Galliard, P 23a
[4] Farewell (An 'In Nomine'), P 4
[5] A Fancy, P 6
[6] The Most Sacred Queen Elizabeth, Her Galliard, P 41
[7] Forlorn Hope Fancy, P 2
[8] The Right Honourable Ferdinando Earl of Derby, His Galliard, P 44a
[9] Loth to Depart, P 69
[10] Can She Excuse, P 42
[11] Solus Sola, P 10
[12] Sir John Smith, His Almain, P 47
[13] Orlando Sleepeth, P 61
[14] Lady Hunsdon's Puffe, P 54
[15] Semper Dowland Semper Dolens, P 9
[16] The Most High and Mighty Christianus the Fourth, King of Denmark, His Galliard, P 40
[17] A Fantasie, P 1a
[18] Piper's Pavan, P 8
[19] A Fancy, P 5
[20] Lachrimae, P 15
[21] Galliard to Lachrimae, P 46Artist:
Jonas Nordberg lute


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 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-29 22:22 | 只看该作者 来自 北京市朝阳区
Boulevard des Italiens: Puccini, Donizetti, Verdi, Spontini, Cherubini, Mascagni - Benjamin Bernheim, Orchestra del Teatro Comunale di Bologna, Frédéric Chaslin
Deutsche Grammophon
486 1964

Giacomo Puccini
[1] Madame Butterfly (Acte III) - Air: Adieu, séjour fleuri
Gaetano Donizetti
[2] La Fille du régiment (Acte II) - Romance: Pour me rapprocher de Marie
[3] La Favorite (Acte IV) - Cavatine: Ange si pur que dans un songe
Giuseppe Verdi
[4] Don Carlos (Acte I) - Récit et Cavatine: Fontainebleau! Forêt immense et solitaire!
[5] Don Carlos (Acte I) - Récit et Cavatine: Je l'ai vue
[6] Don Carlos (Acte II) - Scène et Duo: Le voilà! c'est l'infant! - Ô mon Rodrigue!
[7] Don Carlos (Acte II) - Scène et Duo: Dieu, tu semas dans nos ames
Gaetano Donizetti
[8] Dom Sébastien, Roi du Portugal (Acte II) - Air: Seul sur la terre
Gaspare Spontini
[9] La Vestale (Acte III) - Prélude, Récitatif et Air: Prélude
[10] La Vestale (Acte III) - Prélude, Récitatif et Air: Qu'ai-je vu! quels apprêts!... Julia va mourir!
Giuseppe Verdi
[11] Jérusalem (Acte II) - Récit et Air: L'émir auprès de lui m'appelle, que dois-je craindre encor?
[12] Jérusalem (Acte II) - Récit et Air: Je veux encor entendre ta voix
Luigi Cherubini
[13] Ali Baba, ou les Quarante Voleurs (Prologue) - Prologue et Romance: C'en est donc fait, plus d'espérance!
[14] Ali Baba, ou les Quarante Voleurs (Prologue) - Prologue et Romance: C'est de toi, ma Délie, que dépendait mon sort
Pietro Mascagni
[15] Mascagni: Amica (Acte I) - Scène: Amica! Vous restez à l'écart
[16] Mascagni: Amica (Acte I) - Scène: Pourquoi garder ce silence obstiné?
Giuseppe Verdi
[17] Les Vêpres siciliennes (Acte IV) - Romance de substitution: Ô toi que j'ai chérie
Giacomo Puccini
[18] Tosca (Acte I) - Air: Ô de beautés égales dissemblance féconde!
Benjamin Bernheim tenor
Florian Sempey baritone ([6], [7])
Coro del Teatro Comunale di Bologna ([7])
Orchestra del Teatro Comunale di Bologna
Frédéric Chaslin


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 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-29 22:31 | 只看该作者 来自 北京市朝阳区
Bach - The Well-tempered Clavier II - Luca GuglielmiGenre: Classical
Medium: CD
Disc country of production: Germany
Disc release year: 2022
Publisher (label): CAvi-music
Catalog number: 8553233
Recording date: 2017
Audio codec: FLAC
Rip type: image+.cue
Audio bitrate: lossless
Duration: 2:12:31
Source: own rip
The presence of scans in the contents of the distribution: yesTracklist:Johann Sebastian BachDas Wohltemperirte Clavier Band II



Luca Guglielmi Silbermann Piano


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 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-29 22:41 | 只看该作者 来自 北京市朝阳区
Klebanov - String Quartets No. 4 and 5; Piano Trio No. 2 - ARC EnsembleGenre: Classical
Medium: CD
Disc producing country: UK
Year of disc release: 2021
Publisher (label):Chandos
Catalogue number: CHAN 20231
Recording date: 2021
Audio codec: FLAC
Rip Type: image+.cue

Audio bitrate: lossless
Duration: 73:20
Source: own rip
The presence of scans in the contents of the distribution: yes
Tracklist:Dmitri Lvovich Klebanov (1907 – 1987)
[1]-[4] String Quartet No.4 (1946)
[5]-[8] Trio No. 2 (1958)
for Piano, Violin, and Cello
[9]-[11] String Quartet No.5 (1965)

ARC Ensemble
Erika Raum violin
Marie Bérard violin
Steven Dann viola
Thomas Wiebe cello
Kevin Ahfat piano


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 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-30 06:45 | 只看该作者 来自 北京市朝阳区

George Szell • Robert Casadesus
Mozart - Piano Concertos Nos. 22 & 23
Recording format/Recording source: [TR24][OF]
Watermark availability: No
Year of release/reissue of the disc: 1960 • 2018
Genre: Classical
Publisher (label): Columbia Masterworks • Sony Classical
Duration: 00 • 54 • 20
Presence of scans in the contents of the giveaway: Album album albumAlbum Tracklist:Piano Concerto No. 22 in E-Flat Major, K. 482 (Remastered) (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)01 • I. Allegro 12:45
02 • II Andante 07:43
03 • III. Allegro 09:47 Piano Concerto No. 23 in A Major, K. 488 (Remastered) (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)04 • I. Allegro 10:36
05 • II. Adagio 06:09
06 • III. Allegro assai 07:20Container: FLAC (*.flac)
Rip type: tracksBit depth: 24/192
Format: PCM
Number of channels: 2.0

Quality control log

Source (releaser): Qobuz.com
Orchestra: Columbia Symphony Orchestra
Composer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Conductor: George Szell
Artist: Robert Casadesus - Piano


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 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-30 06:46 | 只看该作者 来自 北京市朝阳区

Zino Francescatti
Robert Casadesus
BEETHOVEN - Violin Sonatas Nos. 5 & 6
Recording format/Recording source: [TR24][OF]
Watermark availability: No
Year of release/reissue of the disc: 2020
Genre: Classical
Publisher (label): Sony Classical
Duration: 00 • 42 • 06Tracklist:Violin Sonata No. 5 in F Major, Op. 24 "Spring" (Ludwig van Beethoven)01 • I. Allegro 07:12
02 • II. Adagio molto espressivo 05:18
03 • III. Scherzo. Allegro molto - Trio 01:13
04 • IV. Rondo. Allegro ma non troppo 06:19Violin Sonata No. 6 in A Major, Op. 30 No. 1 (Ludwig van Beethoven)05 • I. Allegro 07:28
06 • II. Adagio molto espressivo 07:27
07 • III. Allegretto con variazioni - Var. I-V; Var. VI: Allegro ma non tanto 07:09Container: FLAC (*.flac)
Rip type: tracksBit depth: 24/192
Format: PCM
Number of channels: 2.0

Quality control log

Source (releaser): Qobuz.com
Composer: Ludwig van Beethoven
Artist: Zino Francescatti - Violin
Robert Casadesus - Piano


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 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-30 07:12 | 只看该作者 来自 北京市朝阳区

Rachmaninoff - Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom - Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir, Kaspars PutniņšGenre: Classical
Medium: CD
Disc producing country: Sweden
Year of disc release: 2021
Publisher (label): BIS
Catalogue number: BIS-SACD-2571
Recording date: 2021
Audio codec: FLAC
Rip type: image+.cue
Audio bitrate: lossless
Length: 58:53
Source: own rip
The presence of scans in the contents of the distribution: yesTracklist:Sergei Rachmaninoff[1]-[18] Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, Op. 31 (1910)Performers:
Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir

Kaspars Putniņš


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 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-30 07:13 | 只看该作者 来自 北京市朝阳区

Pablo Casals Conducts Mozart Last Six Symphonies [Pablo Casals]Genre: Classical, Symphonies
Medium: CD
Disc producing country: Made in Japan
Year of disc release: Unknown
Publisher (label):Sony Classical
Catalogue number: SICC 431
Recording date: 1959-68
Audio codec: FLAC
Type ripa: image+.cue
Audio bitrate: lossless
Duration: 51:09 + 56:18 + 53:53
Source: source site/
nickname/other: Contrarian, gift; Caterina Sforza - cue, additional scans Presence of scans in the contents of the distribution: yes






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 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-30 08:55 | 只看该作者 来自 北京市朝阳区

Vivaldi - Concerti per violino VIII 'Il teatro'/ Violin Concert (Julien Chauvin)Genre: Classical, Violin Concertos
Medium: CD
Country of production: Made in France
Year of release: 2020
Publisher (label): Naïve ; Series: Vivaldi Edition - Vol. 63
Part Number: OP 30585
Recording Date: 2019
Audio Codec: FLAC
Rip Type: image+.cue
Audio Bitrate: lossless
Source: Source Site Releaser
/Nickname/Other: Bodtje, gift; Caterina Sforza - work with cue, additional scans
Presence of scans in the contents of the distribution: yesTracklist:Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741)
Concerti per violino VIII 'Il teatro'Concerto per violino RV 187 in do maggiore
1 Allegro 4'21
2 Largo ma non molto 3'38
3 Allegro 4'24Concerto per violino RV 387 in si minore
4 Allegro 3'30
5 Largo 2'50
6 Allegro 2’42Concerto per violino RV 235 in re minore
7 Allegro non molto 4’16
8 Adagio 3’08
9 Allegro 3’34Concerto per violino RV 217 in re maggiore
10 Allegro 3’54
11 Largo 3’31
12 Allegro 3’55
Concerto per violino RV 321 in sol minore
13 Ballo, Allegro 3’39
14 Largo 2’31
15 Allegro 2’36Concerto per violino RV 366 ‘Il Carbonelli’ in si bemolle maggiore

16 Allegro 3'30
17 Grave adagio 2'08
18 Allegro 3'52Artists:
Le Concert de la Loge
Julien Chauvin (violin, direction)Recorded from 26 to 29 June 2019, in the Galerie dorée, Banque de France, Paris (France).
Release Date: April 3, 2020


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 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-30 09:21 | 只看该作者 来自 北京市朝阳区

Henze - Nachtstücke und Arien; Los Caprichos; Englische Liebeslieder - Juliane Banse, Narek Hakhnazaryan, ORF Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra, Marin AlsopGenre: Classical
Medium: CD
Disc release year: 2022
Publisher (label): Naxos
Catalogue number: 8.574181
Recording date: 2020
Audio codec: FLAC
Rip Type: image+.cue
Audio Bitrate : lossless
Length: 67:23
Source: own rip
The presence of scans in the contents of the distribution: yesTracklist:Hans Werner Henze[1]-[5] Nachtstücke und Arien (1957)
Text: Ingeborg Bachmann (1926–1973)
[6]-[14] Los Caprichos (1963)
[15]-[20] Englische Liebeslieder (1984–85) Performers:
Juliane Banse soprano ([2], [4])
Narek Hakhnazaryan cello ([15]-[20])
ORF Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra
Marin Alsop


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 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-30 09:21 | 只看该作者 来自 北京市朝阳区

Kaipainen - Symphony No.3; Bassoon Concerto - Otto Virtanen, Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra, Hannu LintuGenre: Classical
Medium: CD
Disc country of production: Finland
Year of disc release: 2006
Publisher (label): Ondine
Catalogue number: ODE 1089-2
Recording date: 2005, 2006
Audio codec: FLAC
Rip Type: image+
.cue Audio Bitrate: lossless
Duration: 73:52
Source: own rip
Presence of scans in the contents of the distribution: yesTracklist:Jouni Kaipainen (*1956)[1]-[3] Symphony No.3, Op.72
[4]-[7] Concerto for Bassoon and Orchestra, Op.74Artists:
Otto Virtanen bassoon
Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra
Hannu Lintu


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 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-30 09:22 | 只看该作者 来自 北京市朝阳区

A Gathering of Friends: Williams - Cello Concerto; Film Music - Yo-Yo Ma, John Williams, New York PhilharmonicGenre: Classical
Medium: CD
Disc Release Year: 2022
Publisher (Label):Sony Classical
Catalog Number: 19439983662
Record Date: 2021
Audio Codec: FLAC
Rip Type: image+.cue
Audio Bitrate: lossless
Duration: 68:28
Source: own rip
Presence of scans in the contents of the distribution: yesTracklist:John Williams[1]-[4] Cello Concerto (2021 revision)
[5]-[7] Three Pieces from Schindler's List
[8] Highwood's Ghost
[9] With Malice Toward None from Lincoln
[10] A Prayer for Peace from MunichPerformers:
Yo-Yo Ma cello
Jessica Zhou harp ([8])
Pablo Sáinz-Villegas guitar ([10])
New York Philharmonic
John Williams


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 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-30 09:32 | 只看该作者 来自 北京市朝阳区

Ravel - Gaspard de la nuit; Miroirs; Jeux d'eau - Tzimon BartoGenre: Classical
Media: CD
Disc country: Finland
Year of disc release: 2007
Publisher (label): Ondine
Catalog number: ODE 1095-2
Recording date: 2005, 2006
Audio codec: FLAC
Rip type: image+.cue
Audio bitrate: lossless
Duration: 63:53
Source: own rip
The presence of scans in the contents of the distribution: yesTracklist:Maurice Ravel[1]-[3] Gaspard de la nuit
[4]-[8] Miroirs
[9] Jeux d'eauArtists:
Tzimon Barto piano


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 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-30 09:33 | 只看该作者 来自 北京市朝阳区

Remembering: Nørgård & Saariaho - Cello Concertos - Jakob Kullberg, BBC Philharmonic, John Storgårds, Michael Francis, Sinfonia Varsovia, Szymon BywalecGenre: Classical
Media: CD
Disc producing country: Sweden Year of disc release: Sweden
Year of disc release: 2021
Publisher (label): BIS
Catalog Number: BIS-CD-2602
Record date: 2015, 2016

Audio codec: FLAC
Rip type: image+.cue
Audio bitrate: lossless
Duration: 83:28
Source: intrinsic rip
Presence of scans in the contents of the distribution: yesTracklist:Per Nørgård
[1]-[3] Between — Cello Concerto No. 1 (1985)Kaija Saariaho

[4]-[8] Notes on Light for cello and orchestra (2006)Per Nørgård
[9]-[10] Remembering Child
Viola Concerto No. 1 (1986) adapted for the cello by Jakob Kullberg (2013)Artists:
Jakob Kullberg cello
BBC Philharmonic ([1]-[8])
Michael Francis conductor ([1]-[3])
John Storgårds conductor ([4]-[8])
Sinfonia Varsovia ([9]-[10])
Szymon Bywalec conductor ([9]-[10])


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 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-30 10:59 | 只看该作者 来自 北京市朝阳区

Zino Francescatti • Eugene Ormandy
The Philadelphia Orchestra
Brahms - Violin Concerto, Op. 77
Vieuxtemps - Violin Concerto No. 4, Op. 31
Recording format/Recording source: [TR24][OF]
Watermark availability: No
Year of release/reissue of the disc: 1956
Genre: Classical • Violin
Publisher (label): Sony Classical
Duration: 00 • 06 • 22
Presence of scans in the contents of the distribution: Album cover + back (LP)Tracklist:Violin Concerto in D major, Op. 77 (Johannes Brahms)01 • I. Allegro non troppo (Remastered) 21:06
02 • II. Adagio (Remastered) 08:57
03 • III. Allegro giocoso, ma non troppo vivace (Remastered) 07:54Violin Concerto No. 4 in D Minor, Op. 31 (Remastered) (Henri Vieuxtemps)04 • I. Andante - Moderato (Remastered) 09:27
05 • II. Adagio religioso (Remastered) 06:32
06 • III. Scherzo. Vivace (Remastered) 04:36
07 • IV. Finale marziale. Andante - Allegro (Remastered) 07:50Container: FLAC (*.flac)
Rip type: tracksBit depth: 24/96
Format: PCM
Number of channels: 2.0


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 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-30 12:16 | 只看该作者 来自 北京市朝阳区

Kokkonen - Cello Concerto; Symphonies Nos. 3 & 4 - Marko Ylönen, Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Sakari OramoGenre: Classical
Medium: CD
Country of disc production: Finland
Year of disc release: 2007
Publisher (label): Ondine
Catalog number: ODE 1098-2
Recording date: 2007
Audio codec: FLAC
Rip type: image+.cue

Audio bitrate: lossless
Duration: 62:12
Source: own rip
The presence of scans in the contents of the distribution: yesTracklist:Joonas Kokkonen (1921–1996)[1]-[5] Cello Concerto (1969)
[6]-[9] Symphony No. 3 (1967)
[10]-[12] Symphony No. 4 (1971)Artists:
Marko Ylönen cello ([1]-[5])
Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra
Sakari Oramo


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 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-30 13:16 | 只看该作者 来自 北京市朝阳区

Mozart - Complete Piano Sonatas - Elisabeth Leonskaja Genre: Classical
Medium: CD
Disc release year: 2022
Publisher (label): Warner Classics
Catalog number: 0190296457821
Recording date: 2021
Audio codec: FLAC
Rip type: image+.cue
Audio bitrate: lossless
Duration: 6:36:32
A source: own rip
The presence of scans in the contents of the distribution: yesTracklist:Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart







Elisabeth Leonskaja piano


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 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-30 13:41 | 只看该作者 来自 法国 巴黎Online

Daniil Shafran • Lydia Pecherskaya
Cello Masterworks
Shostakovich • Schubert • Haydn
Recording format/Recording source: [TR24][OF]
Watermarks: No
Year of release/reissue of the disc: 2022
Genre: Classical
Publisher (label): Parnassus
Duration: 01 • 08 • 34
Presence of scans in the contents of the distribution: Booklet PDFTracklist:Haydn: Cello Concerto No. 2 in D major, Hob. VIIb:2 (Op. 101)Daniil Shafran (cello)
The USSR Symphony Orchestra
Neeme JärviSchubert: Sonata in A minor 'Arpeggione', D821Daniil Shafran (cello), Lydia Pecherskaya (piano)Shostakovich: Cello Sonata in D minor, Op. 40Daniil Shafran (cello), Lydia Pecherskaya (piano)

hidden text

Container: FLAC (*.flac)
Rip type: tracksBit depth: 24/96
Format: PCM
Number of channels: 2.0

Quality control log

Source (releaser): prestomusic
Orchestra: USSR Symphony Orchestra
Conductor: Neeme Järvi
Artist: Daniil Shafran - Cello
Lydia Pecherskaya - piano


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 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-30 14:36 | 只看该作者 来自 法国 巴黎Online

Telemann - Viola Concertos; Overtures; Fantasias - Antoine Tamestit, Sabine Fehlandt, Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin, Bernhard ForckGenre: Classical
Medium: CD
Country of disc production: France
Year of disc release: 2022
Publisher (label): Harmonia Mundi
Catalog number: HMM 902342
Recording date: 2020
Audio codec: FLAC
Type ripa: image+.cue
Audio bitrate: lossless
Duration: 68:28
Source: own rip
The presence of scans in the content of the distribution: yesTracklist:Georg Philipp Telemann[1]-[7] Ouverture burlesque in B flat major, TWV 55:B8
[8]-[11] Viola Concerto in G major, TWV 51:G9
[12]-[14] Canonic Sonata for 2 violas in D minor, TWV 40:121
[15]-[17] Fantasia for solo viola in C major, TWV 40:15
[18]-[25] Ouverture-Suite 'La Changeante' in G minor, TWV 55:g2
[26]-[29] Fantasia for solo viola in E flat major, TWV 40:14
[30]-[33] Concerto for 2 violas, strings and continuo, TWV 52:G3Artists:
Antoine Tamestit viola Stradivarius (1672)
Sabine Fehlandt viola ([12]-[14], [30]-[33])
Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin
Bernhard Forck


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