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发表于 2022-1-21 09:43 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式 来自 江苏省南京市
本帖最后由 乐彼客服1 于 2022-1-21 10:30 编辑


Sound – Basics

The W2’s bass section impresses with a good amount of body and the bigger kind of impact. But the W2 is not only about quantity. You actually get a good level of detail with excellent depth and layering. The W2 reaches really low and the sub bass presence is a pleasure to listen to. The bass presentation is slower and always full with a smooth and warmer presentation. Bass never overpowers in my opinion, though it isn’t always the most tight.

The mids share a lot of the same characteristics: full bodied, smoothness, warmth but also excellent detail, timbre, depth and layering. The mids are super musical and natural and I absolutely like the way the vocals blend in to the whole. Especially female vocals are super impressive. If you like fuller mids with a high technical level and a natural, warmer presentation, then the W2 will be your best buddy.

In the treble section there – as said – is enough energy but it’s the softer and rounder kind of treble that will never offend anyone. The treble section is smooth and easy on the ear, even if it extends well (but not as much as on the low-end). There’s just enough treble energy to keep things exciting and deliver a good overall balance, but it certainly isn’t a treble focused unit. Relaxed and easygoing are more appropriate ways to describe it.

Sound – xDuoo X10TII

I was asked by our readers to try the L&P W2 with the excellent xDuoo X10TII as digital source. I really like the X10TII but I have to be honest and say it’s not a device I use a lot. I am always running around with a DAP for testing and at home I just don’t have many use cases. But when I do use it, I am always impressed with it.

Connecting it to the W2 was easy and flawless and you only require a USB-C to USB-C interconnect cable. Surprisingly the signal/sound was even cleaner with the X10TII as source, lifting up the energy and making the presentation more lively and lighter, aka more digital.

声音 – 基本概述




声音 – 搭配xDuoo X10TII

我们的读者要求我将乐彼W2与优秀的xDuoo X10TII作为数字转盘搭配起来进行测试。我真的很喜欢X10TII,但我必须诚实地说,这不是一个我常用的设备。我总是带着DAP到处跑来跑去进行测评,在家我并未有太多用到它。但当我使用它时,我总是对它印象深刻。


Sound – Conclusion

The Luxury & Precision W2 DAC/AMP dongle has a fun and musical sound, but it’s more than that.You get plenty of body, great depth and layering, excellent timbre and a good level of detail retrieval in bass and mids. The overall presentation is ultra-clean, smooth and musical with a good hint of warmth. From the X10TII there was a higher level of energy and clarity compared to my phone and laptop.


The comparisons were done with my laptop with ROON and Tidal as source and the Unique Melody MEST MKII as IEM.

As the Luxury & Precision W2 offers both a single ended as well as a balanced output, the first dongle to compare the unit to has to be the EarMen Sparrow. The Sparrow is selling for $199 which is quite the discount from the W2, and it renders MQA on top of that. The DAC chip used is the ES9281PRO.

Sound-wise the Sparrow shares the fuller body type, but it’s a bit lighter. Same goes for the bass presence, which is less pronounced on the EarMen. They both score excellent in layering and timbre, but the W2 goes lower (sub bass). Same story for the mids: less body, excellent timbre, great layering. The vocals here are a little more to the front. Treble wise they perform similar. A big difference can be found in clarity and cleanness, where the W2 performs better.

All-in all both are great units, with a comparable yet different tuning. If you want to have MQA rendering, the Sparrow is the way to go and if that doesn’t matter it depends on your preferred tuning. Purely looking at price, the $199 Sparrow is really hard to beat though.

声音 - 结论


对比部分是用我的笔记本电脑与ROON和Tidal作为音源,Unique Melody MEST MKII作为搭配耳机进行的。

由于乐彼W2同时提供单端和平衡输出,所以第一个要比较的小尾巴必须是EarMen Sparrow。Sparrow的售价为199美元,和W2相比有相当大的折扣,而且它还可以支持MQA。所使用的DAC芯片是ES9281PRO。



The EarMen Eagle only has a single ended output and it sells for only $129. It has a classic USB-connector, unlike the USB-C of the W2. It’s powered by a ESS ES9280 C PRO. Sound-wise the Eagle doesn’t come near to the performance of the L&P W2. Less clarity, less detail, smaller sound stage, lower layering, more simple timbre & note extension. Basically a technically less strong performance, but it’s also almost only 1/3rd the price of the W2. The Eagle’s bass probably is the most impressive and the vocals – like in the Sparrow – are presented more to the front. I do like the energy level of the Eagle, which is higher than that of the W2. The Eagle has more neutral mids and the treble section is more spicy. It’s an exciting sounding DAC/AMP with a focus on bass (deep and full yet not as detailed and layered), clean (neutral) mids and lively treble. Again an very different presentation from the 2 previous mentioned USB dongles.

The AudioQuest DragonFly Black V1.5 is selling for $99,99 and it sports the 32-bit ESS 9010 Sabre DAC. It like the Eagle only has a 3.5mm single ended output, decodes MQA and it has a classic Type A USB-connector. Sound wise the Black is more like the EarMen Eagle and it’s not really close to the performance of the W2 in a technical way. The Black sounds more simple, less dynamic, less refined.Bass compared to the L2 is lighter with less detail, depth and layering. The mids are ligthter in body and more neutral but they don’t have the naturalness, and spaciousness of those in the W2. Vocals here are more to the front, but they don’t sound as realistic. The Eagle’s treble is clean, but not as detailed as that of the W2, even if they both are easy on the ears in this region.

The DragonFly Red sports a 32-bit ESS 9016 DAC chip and sells for $229,95 USD. It like all other DFs renders MQA and it has a classic USB connector and a 3.5mm single ended output. The Red is technically stronger then the Black and it is closer to the technical performance of the W2. The latter however still is quite a bit ahead compared to the Red. With the Red you get lighter bass, less depth, less layering. It overall is lighter and more neutral with a higher energy level. It’s not as natural, full, smooth or warm as the W2 is. The Red is flatter, more neutral, lighter and more vocal forward sounding.

The latest DragonFly Cobalt is the best DF if you ask me. It is selling for $329,95 which makes it more expensive than the W2. Like with the other DFs, you get the classic USB connector (Type A), a single ended 3.5mm output and MQA rendering. The Cobalt features an ESS ES9038Q2M chip. The Cobalt’s sound signature comes the closes to that of the W2. The W2 however is fuller sounding in general but especially in the lows. Both of these dongles are spacious, layered and very detailed. The W2 has bigger bass in presence, but the quality and depth is about the same. The mid spaciousness, layering and depth is excellent in both of these units, but the vocal presentation on the DF is more forward. The treble presentation of the Cobalt is more extended and energetic. Overall the AQ has a more neutral tuning, where the L&P W2 is warmer, fuller and smoother. Both great units, both technically strong, but differently tuned. Here it’s purely about personal preference.

EarMen Eagle只有一个单端输出,售价仅为129美元。与W2的USB-C不同,它有一个经典的USB-A接口。它由ESS ES9280 C PRO供电。声音方面,Eagle并没有接近乐彼W2的性能。更少的清晰度、更少的细节感、更小的声场、更低的层次感、更单一的音色和延伸。基本上是素质上不太强的表现,但它的价格几乎只有W2的1/3。Eagle的低频可能是最令人印象深刻的,而人声--就像Sparrow一样--更多的呈现在前面。我确实喜欢Eagle的能量感,它比W2还高。Eagle的中频更加中性,高频部分更加刺激。它是一个令人兴奋的解码耳放,侧重低频(深沉饱满,但缺乏细节和层次感)、中频干净(中性)和高频生动活泼。与前面提到的两款小尾巴相比,它的风格很不一样。

线圣黑蜻蜓售价99.99美元,它采用了32位ESS 9010 Sabre DAC。与Eagle一样,它只有一个3.5mm单端输出,可以解码MQA,并且有一个经典的USB-A接口。从声音上看,黑蜻蜓更像EarMen Eagle,从性能上看,它并没有真正接近W2的素质。黑蜻蜓听起来更单薄、缺乏活力和精致感。与W2相比,低频更轻,细节、深度和层次感更少。中频在厚度上更薄,音色更中性,但它和Eagle没有W2的自然度和空间感。这里黑蜻蜓和Eagle的人声会更靠前,但听起来不那么真实。它们的高音很干净,但不如W2细腻,即使它们在这个频段都很容易入耳。

红蜻蜓用了32位ESS 9016 DAC芯片,售价229,95美元。像所有其他小尾巴一样,它可以支持MQA,它有一个经典的USB-A接口和一个3.5mm单端输出。红色在参数上比黑色强,它更接近于W2的性能。然而,后者与红蜻蜓相比仍有很大优势。使用红蜻蜓,你会听到更轻的低频,更少的深度和层次感。总体而言,它声音更薄、更中性,能量感更强。它不像W2那样自然、饱满、顺滑与温暖。红倾听的声音更平坦、更中性、更薄、更有靠前的声势。

如果你问我,最新的蓝蜻蜓是不是最好的小尾巴,那么我会说,它的售价为329,95美元,这让它比W2还要贵。和其他小尾巴一样,你可以得到经典的USB接口(A型),一个3.5mm单端输出和MQA支持。蓝蜻蜓采用ESS ES9038Q2M芯片,它的声音特征最接近W2。然而,W2的音质总体上更饱满,尤其是在低频部分。这两款尾巴都很宽敞大气,层次感、解析力都很卓越。W2有量感更足的低频,但其质感和深度是相当的。这两款尾巴中频的空间感、层次感和深度都很棒,但蓝蜻蜓的人声表现更靠前。而蓝蜻蜓的高频表现还更具延伸感和活力。总的来说,蓝蜻蜓的调音更加中性,而乐彼W2则更温暖、更饱满、更顺畅。两者都是很棒的设备,参数上都很强大,但调音方式不同。这里纯粹是个人偏好的问题。


As said the L&P’s signal is very clean and you get a very silent background, but the W2 also packs a nice punch. Driving IEMs of any kind is not an issue at all and it can easily drive a lot of the full-sized headphones on the market.

It’s not a unit I would recommend for a Susvara, HD800 or HE-6 but it easily drives many of Hifiman’s SE models and Meze’s just to name a few. I have even been using it to listen to the brand new Audeze LCD-5 to, which is extremely picky when it comes to amplifiers. The LCD-5 to me needs a full bodied amp, and let that be what the L&P W2 is. You have to “up” the volume quite a bit, but it’s a nice and enjoyable combo, though it of course can’t compete with a LCD-5 & desktop setup.

But yeah, the Luxury & Precision W2 is not only limited to IEMs, that’s what I want to make clear.But it of course has limits.

End words

The Luxury & Precision W2 is one of the better USB DAC/AMP dongles I have tried and the price/quality ratio is very nice. It also offers a whole lot of tuning options and it has a nice little screen on top of it.

If you like a full bodied sound with a high level of technicalities as well as bigger bass and easy treble, and that delivered in a smoother and warmer way, then the L&P W2 dongle will be perfect for you.

For me personally I would like to see a little less bass body (though needed by some headphones) and a bit more treble energy/extension, but it might be completely different with you.

Version W3 coming up?



它不是我会推荐拿来推Susvara、HD800或HE-6的设备,但它可以轻松驱动许多Hifiman的SE款式和Meze的耳机,这只是其中的几个例子。我甚至用它来听新发布的Audeze LCD-5,当谈到耳放搭配时,它是一款非常挑剔的头戴。LCD-5对我来说需要一个声音饱满的放大器,而让乐彼W2就是这样的选择。你必须 "提升"音量,但这是一个很棒的令人愉快的组合,尽管它当然无法与LCD-5配桌面设备相提并论。







 楼主| 发表于 2022-1-21 09:44 | 只看该作者 来自 江苏省南京市
W2 Headfonia测评已翻译完毕,谢谢!

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