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发表于 2021-6-4 09:58 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式 来自 江苏南京



The Luxury & Precision P6 Pro is a revised edition of the original flagship P6 R2R DAP featuring a new touchscreen and improved noise performance. It is priced at $3899.

Disclaimer: The Luxury & Precision P6 Pro was sent to us as a sample in exchange for our honest opinion in this review. We thank Luxury & Precision and Musicteck for this opportunity.

To learn more about Luxury & Precision reviews on Headfonics you can click here.

Note, this 4-page review follows our new scoring guidelines for 2021 which you can read up on here.

乐彼P6 Pro是原旗舰产品P6 R2R DAP的进化版,具有新的触摸屏和改进的噪声性能。它的售价为3899美元。

免责声明:乐彼P6 Pro是作为样品寄给我们的,以换取我们在这次评测中的真实意见。我们感谢乐彼和Musicteck提供的这个机会。



作为一个纯粹的音乐播放器,或者说是一个紧凑的便携式外形的优质音频设备,没有什么可以接近P6 Pro的性能。它延续了P6 R2R声音的一切神奇和美妙的特质,并注入了更强的紧致感,一个更精准的三频均衡度,以及在动态方面的一个大跃迁。


I use the original P6 a lot and when I say a lot I mean for virtually every review and anytime I am legally let out of the house. Granted, it is not the best for modern social connectivity with its lack of Android as well as WiFi. However, its sound quality is special in the way it brings R2R right into your personal space much in the same way as a quality R2R DAC does.

I thought we will not see better sounding for a while but how wrong was I with the launch of their new P6 Pro DAP. The architecture, (explained in more detail below), has much the same thrust with the use of an R2R design, but this time we get some choice improvements on the original. Improvements that make it vastly more useable and sonically even better than the original.

The price has gone up also to $3899 making this a true TOTL DAP and there may be a number of reasons behind that but suffice to say the P6 Pro could be an end game both sonically and financially for many an audiophile.

我经常使用原来的P6,我说的经常是指几乎每次写评测和我被合法放出家门的时候。诚然,它不是连接现代社会的最佳选择,因为它缺乏安卓系统以及WiFi。然而,它的音质很特别,它就像一台高品质R2R DAC那样,把R2R带入你的私人空间。

我以为我们不会再听到更好的声音了,但随着他们新的P6 Pro DAP的推出,我发现自己是多么的错误。该架构(下文有更详细的解释)与使用R2R设计的主旨基本相同,但这次在原有基础上特意选了一些地方作了改进。这些改进使它更易于使用,在声音上甚至比原来更好。

价格也上升到3899美元,使其成为真正的顶级DAP,这背后可能有许多原因,但足以说明P6 Pro可能是许多发烧友在音质和预算上的终极游戏。


As before, Luxury & Precision are using a 100% resistor-based fully discreet digital implementation for the P6 Pro DAC design unlike delta-sigma and multibit chipset-based architectures. That means a ton of additional controls over how the DAC is implemented, something that is entirely more restrictive using all-in-one chipset solutions on such tiny PCBs.

To achieve this level of control on the P6, Luxury & Precision’s R2R architecture means a ton of tiny resistors all individually mapped out with specific engineering requested processing parameters to convert the digital signal to analog in the exact way they want it to be done.

With the P6 Pro, Luxury & Precision have cheery picked the absolute best-matching high-grade 1/10,000 resistors to build a rail equivalent to two P6 R2R boards or the equivalent of 16 PCM1704K multibit chipsets in parallel.


和之前一样,乐彼在P6 Pro DAC设计中使用了100%基于电阻的全分立式数字实现,与delta-sigma和基于多比特芯片组的架构截然不同。这意味着对DAC的实现方式有大量的额外控制,而在如此微小的PCB上使用一体化的芯片组解决方案则完全受到限制。


在P6 Pro上,乐彼挑选了绝对称得上最好的高精度1/10,000电阻来匹配,搭建出一个相当于两个P6 R2R板并联或相当于16颗PCM1704K多比特芯片组并联的R2R电路。


If you remember the P6 R2R DAC pitch was sold as the equivalent to 8 PCM1704k multibit chips in parallel. However, for the P6 Pro and given the size of the housing, it was considered impossible to integrate additional matching components to improve key aspects such as the SNR and dynamic range which was then set at 123dB.

By going back to the quality of the resistors and matching process inside the P6 Pro rails, Luxury & Precision has managed to improve the SNR to 125dB whilst retaining the same 5V output voltage, which is very impressive for an R2R DAC.

Not that the P6 lacked dynamic range, but rather the P6 Pro should offer a noticeable improvement with sensitive IEM pairings being able to produce blacker backgrounds.


不知道你是否记得,P6 R2R DAC当时的核心卖点就是动态性能相当于8颗PCM1704K多比特芯片并联。然而,对于P6 Pro来说,考虑到外壳尺寸,它被认为不可能集成额外的匹配元件来改善关键的方面,比如信噪比和动态范围,当时P6是123dB。

而P6 Pro通过对电阻精度筛选标准的提升以及匹配质量的提升,乐彼已经设法将信噪比提高到125dB,同时保留相同的5V输出电压,这对R2R DAC来说是非常令人印象深刻的。

不是说P6动态性能缺乏,而是P6 Pro实在改善得相当明显,搭配高灵敏度IEM能产生更黑的背景。


LLMVS or Lossless Matrix Volume Control System went hand in hand with the R2R DAC SNR and dynamic range performance. The volume control on both the P6 and P6 Pro is an electronic relay array which is normally not recommended in desktop solutions given they tend to produce high voltage swings.

This is less of a worry for a DAP that sits under a 10V swing so they do not need to revert to a huge mechanical relay construction. L&P has further refined the LLMVS on the P6 Pro to better respond to the improved resistors inside the R2R rail. This will help realize the improved noise and dynamic range of the upgraded resistors through a much lower signal attenuation.


LLMVS或无损矩阵音量控制系统与R2R DAC的信噪比和动态范围性能携手并进。P6和P6 Pro的音量控制是一个电子继电器阵列,通常不建议在桌面解决方案中使用,因为它们往往产生高电压波动。

这对于DAP来说就不那么令人担心了,因为它的电压波动在10V以下,所以他们不需要恢复到一个巨大的机械继电器结构。L&P已经进一步完善了P6 Pro上的LLMVS,以更好地响应R2R轨道内改进的电阻。这将有助于通过更低的信号衰减来实现升级后的电阻的改进噪声和动态范围。


Decoding capability remains unchanged, however with the P6 Pro capable of the same conversion capability as the P6. This means a maximum 32BIT/384kHz PCM and DSD256 which falls a bit short of modern delta-sigma DAPs which can now hit 786kHz sampling and DSD512. The P6 Pro will be able to handle SACD ISOs of which I have quite a few.

How much value you put into DSD512 capability is entirely up to you. The vast majority of commercially available material is 24BIT/192kHz PCM and DSD64/128 maximum so while future-proofing is more limited, the here and now is 100% relevant.


解码能力保持不变,P6 Pro能实现与P6相同的转换能力。这意味着最大支持32BIT/384kHz PCM和DSD256,这与现代delta-sigma架构DAP有点差距,后者现在可以达到786kHz采样和DSD512。P6 Pro将能够处理SACD ISO,我有不少这样的ISO。

你对DSD512解码能力的重视程度,完全取决于你。绝大多数商业唱片最高可用采样是24BIT/192kHz的PCM和DSD64/128,所以P6 Pro解码性能虽然面向未来的能力较有限,但此时此刻是100%匹配现代录音回放需求的。


One change from the original P6 decoding performance is the underlying FPGA with a tighter level of clocking accuracy. The FPGA relationship here is referred to as an FPGA Master whereby the high-precision and low-phase noise external clock connected to the FPGA is used as the master clock and fed to the discrete R2R DAC.

Because it is used as the master clock it is also fed to an improved BT 5.0 protocol stack with a new algorithm to further reduce jitter.


与原来的P6解码性能相比,P6 Pro的一大变化是底层的FPGA具有更高规格的时钟精度水平。这里的FPGA关系被称为FPGA主时钟,即连接到FPGA的高精度、低相噪的外部时钟被用作主时钟,并馈送到离散的R2R DAC。



There is relatively little change in terms of improved output power ratings between the original P6 and the P6 Pro. Thus, the P6 maximum output of 700mW from a 32Ω load balanced and 180mW single-ended remains the same in the P6 Pro. Not the most powerful but perhaps the most flexible for sensitive monitors.

The lineout options are also unchanged from the previous edition so both the 4.4mm LO and 3.5mm LO are single-ended in design but with a switchable voltage at 1.55V and 2.45V. Output impedance is also unchanged for both single-ended and balanced at well under 0.5Ω.

What has improved is the P6 Pro’s new SNR performance from the R2R DAC rail which is now enhanced from 123dB to 125dB. That will translate to a higher dynamic range performance than the 118dB of the original P6’s amp stage from both SE and balanced outputs.

Just to put that into some competitive perspective, that’s 2dB higher than the Lotoo PAW Gold Touchunbalanced and around 2dB less going balanced. The P6 Pro certainly performs better than the Hifiman R2R200 Black version for SNR which is rated 10dB lower at 115dB.


相比于原来的P6,P6 Pro在改善输出功率等级方面的变化相对较小。P6的最大输出功率为700mW,32Ω负载平衡口,单端口最高180mW,而P6 Pro保持不变。这不是推力最强大的,但也许是最适配高灵敏度监听入耳的。

线路输出选项与前一版本相比也没有变化,4.4mm LO和3.5mm LO都是独立设计,但有1.55V和2.45V的可切换电压。单端和平衡的输出阻抗也没有变化,都远低于0.5Ω。

改进的地方是P6 Pro的R2R DAC的新SNR性能,从123dB增强到125dB。这将转化为一个更高的动态范围性能——相比原来P6单端和平衡输出118dB的性能而言。

从对比竞品的角度看,这比Lotoo PAW Gold Touch的单端输出高2dB,而平衡输出则低2dB左右。当然,P6 Pro信噪比要比Hifiman R2R2000黑色版要好,后者的信噪比是115dB,比P6 Pro低了10个dB。


The form factor has not changed from the P6 which means an excellent size for single-hand use. In the 8 months or so of using the original P6, I have to say this is one of the more pocketable flagship DAPs out there.

Its 248g weight would have been heavy a few years ago but not these days when some are way over 300g and even 400g. The only TOTL ‘DAP’ considerably lighter is the Hifiman R2R2000 at just 142g.

I would still heavily advise using the supplied case with the P6 Pro. The edging is sharp and unforgiving so aside from protecting an expensive piece of electrical gear, you will also be protecting your palms. The leather case will soften the handling experience considerably.



其248克的重量在几年前是很重的,但现在就不是了,因为有些产品的重量远远超过300克,甚至是400克。唯一的相当轻的顶级'DAP'是Hifiman R2R2000,只有142克。

我仍然强烈建议使用P6 Pro提供的保护套。它的边缘是锋利的,不容易损坏,除了保护昂贵的音频设备外,它也会保护你的手掌。皮套将大大软化握持体验。


Although the relatively compact and minimalist form factor has not changed one bit between the P6 and the P6 Pro the aesthetics have. Instead of a grey finished aircraft grade of aluminum we now have a black finish with the same grade of material.

The matching silver rotary volume dial has now been switched to a gold version which provides for an attractive high contrast motif on the black body. It also beautifully complements the gold-plated jack rings on the top panel. Gold on black is a very popular flavor in Asia with a lot of high-end DAPs following the same design flow such as Lotoo, Cayin, and iBasso.

On the back, a big change with a switch from the older P6’s glass panel to a new vertical grained wood finish with the logo and LP moniker carved into the top and bottom. It’s a really nice choice of wood as it matches the accompanying wooden case better than the glass panel and might possibly be more resistant to accidental knocks.


尽管P6和P6 Pro之间相对紧凑和简约的外形因素没有任何变化,但美学上却有了变化。现在的Pro版配备的不是灰色的航空铝,而是经过黑色表面涂层处理的相同级别材料。


在背面,有一个很大的变化,P6 Pro从老款P6的玻璃面板换成了新的垂直纹路的木质表面,顶部和下部都刻有品牌Logo和LP的品牌名。木头这是一个非常好的选择,因为它比玻璃面板更匹配原装木质收纳盒,而且可能更耐受意外的撞击。


The P6 Pro now has a capacitive touchscreen which is a huge upgrade on the P6’s non-touch LCD screen. Everything changes when moving to touch-based operation from non-touch. This includes ease of access, speed to execute, less wear and tear on mechanical dials and buttons as well as simply being more in tune with modern user demands.

The P6 Pro uses a G+G capacitive touch LCD panel but given the same form factor, it is perhaps unsurprising that the panel dimensions remain the same also. That means a 3.5-inch IPS screen with a 480 x 320 resolution with a fair degree of free front panel real estate below it.

However, underneath LP has done a bit of tweaking on the amp circuit and volume control system to help reduce potential EMI from the new panel.

We will dive a bit more into the improved navigation experience on page 2, but in terms of general legibility, the older screen does seem to be marginally brighter at full strength. The impact on viewing the screen from wide angles, however, does not seem to be impacted.


P6 Pro现在有一个电容式触摸屏,这是对P6的非触摸液晶屏的一个巨大升级。当从非触摸式操作转为触摸式操作时,一切都会改变。这包括访问的便利性、执行的速度、减少机械表盘和按钮的磨损,以及单纯地与现代用户的需求更加一致。

P6 Pro使用G+G电容式触摸液晶面板,但考虑到相同的外形因素,面板尺寸保持不变也许并不奇怪。这意味着它依然配备了一个3.5英寸的IPS屏幕,分辨率为480 x 320,前面板下部有相当程度的自由空间。




Aside from the obvious improvements from implementing the touchscreen UI, LP has kept the main physical controls of the original P6 completely intact, both in terms of external placement and function.

On the left panel, you have your traditional 3 button playback button suite and on the right, just below the potentiometer, you have two command control buttons.
So, if you wish to not touch the P6 Pro touchscreen for some deluded reason you can carry on using a mix of the side panel buttons and rotary dial to navigate and execute as you did on the P6.

Of course, if you wish to conserve battery life and sleep time on the screen or have it switched off then using the media control physical buttons for playback on the left are essential. Less so navigating using the rotary dial which I found to be quite cumbersome and confusing on the original P6.

If you want to disable the rotary dial or even go 100% rotary dial you can do so inside the advanced key settings much like the P6. However, this time the new P6 Pro OS gives you an additional option to disable all the physical keys and go 100% touchscreen for controls should you need it.

The P6 Pro power/LCD screen on/off button remains in the same top-panel position as the P6 which is pretty much standard on most DAPs. Volume control is beautiful on the dial, very accurate and precise also.




因此,如果你想出于某种妄想而不去触摸P6 Pro的触屏,你可以继续使用侧面的按钮和旋转拨盘组合来导航和操控,就像你在P6上做的那样。


如果你想禁用旋转拨盘,或者100%使用旋转拨盘,你可以在高级按键设置中这样做,就像P6一样。然而,这次新的P6 Pro操作系统为你提供了一个额外的选项,如果你需要的话,可以禁用所有的物理按键,采用100%触屏进行控制。

P6 Pro的电源/液晶屏开关按钮与P6一样保持在顶部面板的位置,这在大多数DAP上是很标准的设计。音量控制在表盘上非常漂亮,也非常准确、精确。


As before, the P6 Pro digital I/O are housed at the bottom with analog PO and LO located on the top. At the base, you have a single open microSD slot and a USB-C port which duals for USB-DAC (no OTG), file transfer, as well as charging duties.

At the top panel, you have two jack ports, 3.5mm unbalanced and 4.4mm balanced. Both dual for lineout though they are not dedicated as both are single-ended lineouts in terms of capability.

You can switch from PO to LO via the OS as well as adjust the level of voltage supplied to the LO, in this case, 1.55V and 2.45V. The 3.5mm output also triples up with SPDIF output capability.

My one critique with the new P6 Pro design for I/O is the labeling. The etched black on black makes them a lot harder to read compared to the black on silver of the original P6. In low light conditions, they are almost invisible.


和以前一样,P6 Pro的数字输入/输出口被安置在底部,模拟PO和LO位于顶部。在底部,有一个开放的microSD插槽和一个USB-C端口,可用于USB-DAC(无OTG)、文件传输以及充电任务。



我对新P6 Pro的接口设计的一个批评是标签。与原来的P6的银底黑字相比,黑底蚀刻使它们更难阅读。在弱光条件下,它们几乎是看不见的。


No surprises for guessing that LP kept with the same 4000mA/H Lithium battery for the P6 Pro which is rated at 15 hours life cycle from full to empty. With the new touch interface I was sort of expecting a diminishment in real-world performance of the battery but to be honest I didn’t find a huge difference between the P6 Pro and P6.

One thing to note is screen brightness. It does seem to have a big impact on battery life when set to maximum in the brightness menu. The brightness has settings from the lowest at 1 and brightest at 5 and my normal setting is 3. Setting a fully charged P5 to 5 and the P6 Pro to 3 drained the P6 battery at a much faster rate.

Battery life will drop more considerably below the 14 rated hours with Bluetooth usage and hi-res decoding. However, usage conditions such as low-gain SE line-out only bypassing the internal amplifier should get you a little higher than 14 hours, (keep the screen off when not in use).


不出所料,LP为P6 Pro保留了同样的4000mA/H锂电池,从满到空的寿命周期为15小时。由于采用了新的触摸界面,我有点期待电池的实际性能会有所下降,但说实话,我没有发现P6 Pro和P6之间有很大的区别。




The P6 Pro retains the original P6 mix of 64GB of onboard flash storage and a single microSD external memory slot on the base with up to to 1TB officially supported with the latest firmware. The original P6 firmware started out with a 10k -12k file storage limit which is now also gone on both the P6 and P6 Pro.

The previous FAT32 format restriction on the P6 still seems to be there which is s shame. That means cards over 32GB in size must be formatted to FAT32 for them to be read by the P6 Pro.

All my Ultra SanDisk SDXC cards did not work with the P6 Pro until reformatted to FAT32. If you do not it will prompt you to reformat which could mean losing all your files if you click yes.


P6 Pro保留了原有的P6组合,即64GB的板载闪存和底座上的一个microSD外置内存插槽,在最新固件的支持下,最高可达1TB。最初的P6固件开始时有10K-12K的文件存储限制,现在在P6和P6 Pro上也都没有了。

P6上以前的FAT32格式限制似乎仍然存在,这很令人遗憾。这意味着大小超过32GB的卡必须格式化为FAT32才能被P6 Pro读取。

我所有的Ultra SanDisk SDXC卡都不能在P6 Pro上使用,直到重新格式化为FAT32。如果你不这样做,它就会提示你重新格式化,如果你点击 "是",可能意味着丢失你的所有文件。


Aside from a change in the carry case, what you get with the P6 Pro in terms of packaging and accessories is the exact same as what you got with the P6. However, the wood panel rear of the P6 Pro is a much nicer compliment to the external wooden carry case so there are some indirect pros of using the same packaging.

The external packaging for the P6 Pro is not a glamourous affair bring a simple black cardboard container covering that lovely rich grain wooden slider box with the LP log etched on top. If anything, it feels made to just protect the wooden display case.

Inside, you get two layers of protective foam with a clean display of the P6 Pro inserted on top and the accessories just below the top layer. You can lift each layer cleanly with a small nylon pull to the top to prevent you from damaging the casing.


除了收纳盒的变化外,P6 Pro的包装和附件与P6完全相同。然而,P6 Pro的木质背板是对外部木质收纳盒更好的补充,所以使用相同的包装有一些间接的好处。

P6 Pro的外部包装并不华丽,只是一个简单的黑色纸板容器,上面覆盖着可爱的、纹理丰富的木质滑盖盒,上面刻有LP的logo。如果有的话,感觉只是为了保护机器的木质展示箱。

在里面,你可以看到两层保护性的泡沫,上面插着P6 Pro的简洁展示,配件就在顶层下面。你可以用一个小尼龙拉到顶部,干净地提起每一层,以防损坏外壳。


The P6 Pro accessories headcount is not huge but you do get that all-important leather case (Musicteck bundle) which I highly advise you to slip on to protect the player. You also receive a few screen protectors but sadly nothing pre-applied so you will have to spend a bit of time carefully applying them to the screen.

Aside from the protectors you also receive a soft velvet carry pouch, cleaning cloth for lint, and good quality short 1m USB-A to USB-C cable for charging, USB-DAC, and data transfer duties.


P6 Pro的配件数量并不多,但你确实得到了最重要的皮套(Musicteck捆绑),我强烈建议你给P6 Pro穿上来保护播放器。你还会收到一些屏幕保护膜,但遗憾的是,没有预先贴好的,所以你必须花点时间仔细地把它们贴在屏幕上。



So now we have a new green faux leather carry case for the P6 Pro to replace the yellow P6 case. I suspect some might have wanted a black one but I am a colors guy and green is cool.

How to slide the P6 Pro into the case has changed and here I am reminded of a ddHiFi creation with its side loading flap lock rather than an opening at the base. This is a lot more secure in case your old one has been stretched.

With a side-flap which you can tuck in neatly, there is zero chance of the P6 Pro sliding out. Mind you, the P6 yellow case of mine has always been rock solid but the additional safety measure and protection for the top panel is welcome.

As with the original case it holds its shape well with a strong cornering frame and a fairly tight wrap. No aspect of the case makes it difficult to plug in big jacks or touches on the volume control in an obtrusive manner.


现在我们有一个新的绿色仿皮P6 Pro保护套,以取代黄色的P6皮套。我猜有些人可能想要一个黑色的,但我是个喜欢彩色的人,绿色很酷。

将P6 Pro滑入皮套的方式已经改变了,在这里我想起了ddHiFi的产品,它的侧边装载翻盖锁而不是在底部开口。如果你的旧皮套被拉长了,这就更安全了。

有了侧面挡板,你可以整齐地把机器塞进去,P6 Pro滑脱出的可能性为零。你要知道,我的P6黄色皮套一直都很坚固,但额外的安全措施和对顶部面板的保护绝对是受欢迎的。


 楼主| 发表于 2021-6-11 09:46 | 只看该作者 来自 江苏南京

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使用道具 举报

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使用道具 举报

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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2021-6-17 09:32 | 只看该作者 来自 江苏南京
《听感、蓝牙、搭配篇》已更新:http://www.erji.net/forum.php?mo ... &extra=#pid33825456

使用道具 举报

发表于 2021-6-17 19:22 | 只看该作者 来自 江苏

使用道具 举报

发表于 2021-6-19 09:14 来自手机 | 只看该作者 来自 中国
调音差lp5 199太远了  也就是没有lp5 199好听

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2021-6-22 14:57 | 只看该作者 来自 江苏南京

使用道具 举报

发表于 2021-8-27 20:42 | 只看该作者 来自 重庆渝中区

使用道具 举报

发表于 2021-8-28 00:34 来自手机 | 只看该作者 来自 中国

使用道具 举报

发表于 2021-9-8 01:03 来自手机 | 只看该作者 来自 河南开封

使用道具 举报

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