本帖最后由 endgame 于 2021-8-30 21:01 编辑
Burson Soloist 3X甲类全平衡分立式耳放,巡回活动终于来了!
著名相声栏目Z Reviews,博主Zeos给出如此评价:
" ...This is magical . It’s got infinite power, infinite clean ...I'm sold… I’m more than impressed with the fxxking soloist amp ...This is a piece of art. This is tue engineering and an art"
"... 这有点魔幻。它似乎有无限的推力、声音也无限地干净 ... 我服了,Soloist 3X 比我期待的还要好得多... 这是个艺术品,是与音频工程结合的艺术品"
与Burson同样来自澳洲的油管栏目 Passion for Sound,给出如此评价:
"...This amp is on a very quick turnaround time on loan from Burson, it's got to go onto other reviewers... So ultimately, I would describe the sound from the Soloist as being very natural, very analog, but not in that thick or rich sense, just in the sense that there's not any glare, there's not any harshness, or that digital sound that you sometimes get from integrated amplifies, it's incredibly accurate and incredibly transparent. Meaning that you're going to hear exactly what's coming from higher up in the source chain ie your dac and your source. It also presents a really nice sound stage with excellent image focus and really good three dimensionality... I'm certainly going to be very reluctant to let this go on to the next reviewer. But I also have no doubt that you're going to hear very positive thing from that review, whoever that is, when they get their hands on this, have a listen, and hear what I've heard... I'm definitely going to be telling the Burson about buying a Soloist for myself. "
"...这台耳放是我从Burson借来的,很快就要还回去 ...总的来说,我认为Soloist的声音非常自然、模拟味十足的同时不会过于厚重与突兀,它没有集成耳放中常有的数码声,精准定位与透明度简直难以置信,你能听到来自音源或解码原汁原味的声音,除此之外,它的结像也非常好、声场非常立体、3D感十足...我舍不得把它交给下一位测评博主,但可以保证,无论下一个是谁,拿到这台设备后只要用心听一会,一定会对这台耳放赞不绝口... 我也会和Burson商量,为自己购置一台Soloist... "
(中译视频在2楼,这位博主的测评质量很高,除了跟Chord TT2、A90、Bottlehead Mainline等耳放的听感对比,博主也推荐了不少试听用的好曲目,值得烧友们一看!)
油管栏目NBT Studio,博主Jay对Soloist 3X的前级表现也赞不绝口, :
“...实际听起来比我的ModWright LS100还要好。事实上,我发现低频更有力度,更富有活力。想说的第二点,我感觉比我的ModWright LS100前级更流畅了,这有点奇怪,因为ModWright LS100是声音相当平滑的前级,而且还是胆机。事实上,如果有真要说有什么不同的话,我发现Burson的声场更全息,尽管它是石机,所以我对Burson印象非常深刻,用了一段时间我真的很喜欢。”
(中译视频在2楼,作者认为Soloist 3X的前级表现甚至打败了自己4000美金的ModWright LS100胆机,对耳放的表现也有详细描述,推荐观看)
中译视频经原作者授权,发布于Bilibili、知乎、微信视频号。(搜索关键词:Burson 耳放,即可观看)
那么,Burson Soloist 3X的真实表现,是否真的像以上博主反馈那样,推力强大的同时声底干净、声场优秀、音色平滑而流畅?
- 8Wpc XLR and 4Wpc single-ended, driving any headphones to their full potential.
- 8Wpc 平衡, 4Wpc 单端输出,这是一款能驱动绝大多数耳机的耳放,带优秀的前级功能
- Three levels of feedback based gain, matching headphones from 60db to 110db sensitivity.
- low/medium/high 三档增益可调,匹配60 - 110db灵敏度的耳机
- 4 X Burson proprietary Max Current Power Supplies eliminating noise and unveiling micro-details.
- 采用 4组 Burson独有的 MCPS电源技术,来消除电源噪音、提升细节揭示力
- High current Class-A and fully discrete circuitry, achieving incredible sound.
- 全平衡、甲类、全分立电路设计、标配4枚 Burson V6 Vivid 双运放
- The same MUSE72320 based volume control system used in ultra-high-end preamps such as the Pass Lab XP-30 and the AVM Ovation achieving phenomenal channels balance and soundstage.
- 采用成本不菲的MUSE72320音量控制组件,与一些high-end前级(比如Pass Lab XP-30 、AVM Ovation)一样,这个组件能确保高性能的左右声道平衡与分离
- Headphone power amp mode to remove volume control from the signal path and reach even higher transparency.
- 支持耳放直通模式,可跳过音量控制,实现更高透明度
- Opamp rolling to tune Soloist 3X to your preference.
- 支持更换运放,来找到主观偏好的声音
- Designed to pair perfectly with the Burson Composer 3X DAC
- 外观设计为Composer 3X平衡解码而优化
It made its debut a decade ago, the fourth generation Soloist Headphone Amp / Preamp returns to entertain a new generation of audience.
Everything about the Soloist 3X is revolutionary, from its Burson proprietary Power Supplies, its ultra-high-end volume Control and its phenomenal power amp mode.
The Soloist 3X is powerful, accurate and versatile, and it is here to compete with the most expensive headphone amp, and preamp money can buy.
But, instead of rubbing solder with the elitists, it is here to upset them with its working-class affordability.
十年前,初代Soloist耳放第一次亮相。十年后,第4代Soloist 3X耳放与前级,终于与大家见面。
从独有的MCPS电源技术、高阶音量控制组件再到令人难以置信的耳放直通模式。我们想用超高性价比的理念,向您介绍全新的 Soloist 3X 耳放与前级。
Soloist 3X (独奏者 3X) 耳放第一次进入公众视野,是在6月份的中国(北京)国际耳机展上。
我们用ZMF全系列、Audeze LCD各型号来尝试搭配,认为这个耳放在万元价位是非常值得推荐的!
2021年 8月26日 - 9月30日(如作改动会另行通知)
国行零售价:8599元,含3年保修。巡回期间内,优惠价:7699元 ;
巡回期间内,购买Soloist 3X将赠送Cool Stand 原厂散热底座1套(699元),送完即止;
巡回期间内,购买耳放并分享听感的朋友,赠送Burson V6 Classic Dual(典雅版双运放)1对 (899元),送完即止。
我们将送出ZMF Co-pilot头梁垫(299元)/ 或等值奖品(299元),
- 如果您之前在代理商Endgame购买过任何耳机(Audeze、ZMF等),或;
- 分享过任何精华帖,或;
- 论坛等级在"侠客"或以上
- Burson Soloist 3X独奏者耳放 *2套;
- Burson Super Charger 3A 升级电源 *2套;
- Burson V6 Classic Dual(典雅版,双运放) *2套;
为了让巡回体验更有乐趣、有更多玩法,我们还准备了V6 Classic运放,Burson Super Charger 3A 升级电源,帮助大家找到更喜欢的声音。
【参与方式 - 跟帖报名】
已有耳机:森海IE900、HD800s、金平面GL850、Hifiman Susvara、ZMF Verite Closed 等...
已有音源:Burson Conductor 3 解码耳放一体机...
- 我们会根据实际情况来筛选报名的朋友,名额不限。
- 如果您被选中,我们会通过微信、论坛私信的方式来通知。
- 被选中的朋友,您有5天时间(收货当天开始算)试听。
- 更换运放、更换电源,请务必阅读注意事项。
(Endgame是澳大利亚Burson Audio的官网授权经销商。