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发布时间: 2024-1-30 10:56


本帖最后由 robertgong 于 2024-1-30 16:25 编辑 我最近在国外论坛上,发现了黑金砖二代的"满血模式",不分享给大家都觉得对不起这个发现!如果你以为已经完全了解你的播放器,或者还在纠结哪儿个版本的固 ...


seasonally 来自 福建 发表于 2024-9-9 10:48
换的主板系统是1.08,为了弄到1.03我又卖了,重新买了个二手1.03的。 索尼不同版本固件声音还真有区别,这个确实讨厌
seasonally 来自 福建 发表于 2024-9-9 10:47
robertgong 来自 上海 发表于 2024-2-1 12:23
之前说到的ADB 软件删除系统软件操作不是人人愿意尝试,我看到有人推荐可以进调试模式删除和停用一些后台应用和服务,其中有不少是我们中国版固件天生就没有的服务,其他有需要的自己可以对应找一下,我关了这些服务后,系统占用运行内存从1.8g下降到了1.3g,好处就是运行速度明显快了,至于声音变化,我不发表意见,这因人而异,我现在贴出来分享下:

General Disclaimers:
This guide is completely optional, you don't have to perform this optimization if you don't feel comfortable with adjusting with inner workings of android OS
There is no guarantee that this guide will not cause unexpected issues with operation of your Walkman. Try at your own risk.

Please note that this guide was made in Apr 2022, the best efforts on my end was made to ensure that this tweaks and optimisation worked back then with firmware 1.01.

if you are reading this guide on a much future date, there are likely new changes in firmware or Google’s app dependencies that might result in unsuccessful debloating or cause certain app to malfunction. This will require more trial and error on your end to ink out the issue. Please do read to the end of the thread to check upon if anyone else has give new information that will help to resolve any new issues with debloating of newer firmware.

Please feel free to add anything else missing from this guide and also post any new issues and troubleshooted resolutions you found with the guide to allow others to benefit from information.

Enabling Fresh Out of box Settings:
Settings >Hi-Res Streaming >Slide to right
Settings > Battery > Battery Percentage > Slide to right
Settings > Battery > Battery Care > Use Battery Care > Slide to right

Gain Access to Android Developer Options:
Settings > About Device > scroll to bottom of page, then Tap Ten times on Build Number
Once this is done, go to:
Settings > System > Advanced > Developer Options
Windows animation scale > Animation Off
Transition animation scale > Animation Off
Animator duration scale > Animation Off
Doing the above will disable unnecessary Android system fade animation that slows down App switching(along with unnecessary graphics processing power usage). You will notice more instantaneous app switching.

Apps that are deem safe(by me) to disable in the context of using your Walkman for streaming apps and music playback.
Settings > Apps & notifications > See All xx APPS > Tap on 3 dots at top right of screen > Show System >

Apps to disable(tap on each app and tap on disable):
Please note that you can also uninstall apps which is more effective than just disabling apps but to uninstall apps you need to enable usb debugging mode and use a software on your computer to uninstall. Please read further down this thread for more info:

Android Accessibility Suite
Android Opne Source Music Player
Bookmark Provider
Calendar Storage
Call Management
Contacts Storage
Default Print Service
Digital Wellbeing
Example Wallpapers
Google Contacts Sync
Google Partner Setup
Google One Time Init
Google TV
Market Feedback Agent
Print Service Recommendation Service
Speech Services by Google

If any APPs start having issues running on your walkman, you can restore back the original App settings by doing this:
Settings > Apps & notifications > See All xx APPS > Tap on 3 dots at top right of screen > Reset app preferences

Privacy and other settings to check

Settings > Location > Off

Settings > Accounts > Automatically sync app data > slide to left

Settings > Network and Internet >Airplane mode > Slide to right

Settings > Network and Internet > Wi-Fi > Wi-Fi preferences > Notify for public networks > slide to left

Settings > Network and Internet > Wi-Fi >Scan settings > Wi-Fi scanning > slide to left

Settings > Network and Internet > Wi-Fi >Scan settings > Bluetooth scanning > slide to left

Settings > Connected devices > Connection preferences > Tap on Bluetooth > Wireless Playback Quality > (set according to your preferences)

Settings > Connected devices > Connection preferences >Nearby Share > Off

Settings > System > Languages & input > On-screen keyboard > Gboard >Advanced > Share usage statistics > Slide to left

Settings > System > Languages & input > On-screen keyboard > Gboard >Advanced > Improve voice and typing for everyone > Slide to left

Settings > Google > Personalize using shared data > slide left for everything listed here

Settings > Accessibility > Remove animations > Slide to right

Settings > Google > tap on 3 dots at top right hand corner > Usage & diagnostic > Slide left

You can also consider changing the Google keyboard app to a lower memory footprint app like simple keyboard or Microsoft swift keyboard. Please note that only Google keyboard will work in safe mode so do not adb uninstall the Gboard app but to disable it instead for in case of emergency situatons where you need to go safe mode and require software keyboard input.

For those using Google playstore account, you may want to change these to protect your privacy better:

Settings > Privacy > Advanced > Ads > enable debug logs for ads (turn off)

Settings > Google > Personalize using share data > other on-device sources > turn off both device contacts and external media
robertgong 来自 上海 发表于 2024-1-31 10:47
一碟诗话 发表于 2024-1-31 07:07

cstar 来自 浙江 发表于 2024-1-31 09:10
mjnapoleon 来自 广东 发表于 2024-1-31 09:06
一碟诗话 来自 亚太地区 发表于 2024-1-31 07:07
robertgong 发表于 2024-1-30 15:41
而且索六我买的是二手,买的时候只要36000,对比金二24999,太有性价比了,多出来的钱正好买个黑二全新, ...

a526555091 来自 中国 发表于 2024-1-31 00:02
zx2可以进去安全模式。但是声音从我的角度来说是劣化了的 味道少了也变冲了。不过还是感谢楼主 折腾哈哈哈
zx300a 来自 中国 发表于 2024-1-30 19:37
125187881 发表于 2024-1-30 14:15

caijie581112 来自 北京 发表于 2024-1-30 18:13
精精神神 来自 中国 发表于 2024-1-30 18:00
阿笑core 来自 辽宁 发表于 2024-1-30 17:54
詹士邦 发表于 2024-1-30 13:30
我也是日版。但是界面是中文的。不过升级固件必须要用梯子才能升级。我也想知道日本怎么可以刷国版固件。 ...

robertgong 来自 江苏徐州 发表于 2024-1-30 17:15
caijie581112 发表于 2024-1-30 16:28
明白了,索六万由于不能连接外接电源只能内部电池,所以我们一直没有下决心。我们有电磁炉,和索尼大Z和M ...

cdzsz67 来自 广东深圳 发表于 2024-1-30 17:12
看来安卓砖果然是用脚做的, 暂且不论国外要用play的话需要框架, 就这些docs tv calendar没有一个是需要的吧, 居然都不删掉优化系统, 就搞了两个金属罩子自以为解决了噪声. 声音听起来比深度定制的一代浮躁很多太正常了.
RacingAK47 来自 中国 发表于 2024-1-30 16:49
创象势力登场 来自 广东 发表于 2024-1-30 16:46

caijie581112 来自 北京 发表于 2024-1-30 16:28
robertgong 发表于 2024-1-30 15:41
而且索六我买的是二手,买的时候只要36000,对比金二24999,太有性价比了,多出来的钱正好买个黑二全新, ...

robertgong 来自 江苏徐州 发表于 2024-1-30 15:41
caijie581112 发表于 2024-1-30 15:07

robertgong 来自 江苏徐州 发表于 2024-1-30 15:33
caijie581112 发表于 2024-1-30 15:07



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