
标题: ASR 测了DA10 [打印本页]

作者: pseudo    时间: 2019-3-24 10:33
标题: ASR 测了DA10
本帖最后由 pseudo 于 2019-3-24 10:34 编辑


We are spoiled at ASR with discovery of good number of high-performing dacs and headphone amplifiers. Given the cost of Yulong D10, I expected it to match or beat those reference devices. That did not happen. A persistent high noise floor (measured, but likely not audible) persisted throughout the measurements. Power output with 1/4 inch jack at 300 ohm was also a bit disappointing.

On the positive front, if you use balanced output, you should be able to drive any headphone to very high levels of fidelity. Most of our reference level DACs lack headphone amplifiers and that is integrated here in the D10. In addition, it is good to see regulatory certifications on the D10.

Overall, the Yulong D10 leaves me just a bit cold so I can't fully recommend it. It is up to you to decide if its feature set, availability, etc. makes it better than other recommended products.

作者: nosounds    时间: 2019-3-24 11:08
作者: wood333    时间: 2019-3-24 11:09
另一个方面oppo 205之前长期占据榜首,也说明了参数和声音之间并不是绝对统一的。
作者: 钰龙韵电子    时间: 2019-3-24 11:18
本帖最后由 钰龙韵电子 于 2019-3-24 11:27 编辑

I suppose this makes it the best measuring AK4497 device reviewed here so far since it seems rather hard to get the most out of this chip I would say good job Yulong.

That j-test reminds a lot of the better ESS chips with proper ASRC! And funny how spoiled we are by good performers, that this Yulong falls into "very good but not state of the art" category.

BTW, the PCB on this thing looks pretty cool:

作者: nosounds    时间: 2019-3-24 11:27
钰龙韵电子 发表于 2019-3-24 11:18
I suppose this makes it the best measuring AK4497 device reviewed here so far  since it seems rath ...


作者: txlao    时间: 2019-3-24 11:33
钰龙韵电子 发表于 2019-3-24 11:18
I suppose this makes it the best measuring AK4497 device reviewed here so far  since it seems rath ...


作者: 可口可乐123    时间: 2019-3-24 12:03
作者: pseudo    时间: 2019-3-24 22:59
作者: genius_xp    时间: 2019-3-25 00:13
作者: sony_duchao    时间: 2019-3-25 00:19
作者: tyj518    时间: 2019-3-25 00:43
这种已经非常优秀的noise floor就因为不是state of the art被挑个毛病,ASR也真是瞎追求高指标。
作者: pseudo    时间: 2019-3-25 06:04
四环一郎 发表于 2019-3-24 23:36
哪怕比参数,DA10得分也跟DAC3差不多的...4497做到这个指标很不错了;阿米尔不推荐是因为价格比较贵,美 ...

We are spoiled at ASR with discovery of good number of high-performing dacs and headphone amplifiers. Given the cost of Yulong D10, I expected it to match or beat those reference devices. That did not happen. (并没干掉其他推荐的NB机器)A persistent high noise floor (measured, but likely not audible) persisted throughout the measurements.(底噪较大,能不能听到不清楚)ower output with 1/4 inch jack at 300 ohm was also a bit disappointing. (单端输出基本别考虑了)

作者: langrisser    时间: 2019-3-25 07:58
作者: pseudo    时间: 2019-3-25 09:14

On the positive front, if you use balanced output, you should be able to drive any headphone to very high levels of fidelity. (平衡口功率很足) Most of our reference level DACs lack headphone amplifiers and that is integrated here in the D10. (NB DAC的耳放都不咋地,DA10耳放的平衡口不错) In addition, it is good to see regulatory certifications on the D10. (有认证,CE??)
作者: hxghxg    时间: 2019-3-25 09:26
国外很多评测都是用客观参数评价的啊,还有一个评测耳机的网站是客观参数和主观听感结合评测的。国内在这方面还差很多啊,基本都是主管听感,毒文满天飞,先不说是否存在营销的问题,认真评测的不同人可能都有不同的看法。希望有一天也能有客观数据的评测。或许目前阶段客观数据无法完全描述音质的好坏,特别是调音和听感,但我相信,一定有一天,音质、音色可以用数据量化表示。 现阶段来说,数据可以表示音质好坏,无法表现调音(猜测)
作者: kingcole    时间: 2019-3-26 22:04

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